
"downstairs" in Spanish

"downstairs" in Spanish
de abajo{noun}
The responsibility in dealing with those problems lies with us all – all the institutions – and not only with the press room downstairs.
La responsabilidad de hacer frente a esos problemas recae sobre todos nosotros –todas las instituciones– y no solamente sobre la sala de prensa de abajo.
The responsibility in dealing with those problems lies with us all – all the institutions – and not only with the press room downstairs.
La responsabilidad de hacer frente a esos problemas recae sobre todos nosotros – todas las instituciones– y no solamente sobre la sala de prensa de abajo.
All the people from the press in the room downstairs tell me, however, that Mr Prodi's spokesman said that if Parliament wants this meeting to take place in public, it can be.
Todos los periodistas en la sala del piso de abajo me dicen, no obstante, que el portavoz del Sr.
All the people from the press in the room downstairs tell me, however, that Mr Prodi's spokesman said that if Parliament wants this meeting to take place in public, it can be.
Todos los periodistas en la sala del piso de abajo me dicen, no obstante, que el portavoz del Sr.
incoming mail is sorted downstairs
la correspondencia que se recibe se clasifica abajo
there's someone moving around downstairs
anda alguien abajo
he's downstairs in the kitchen
está abajo en la cocina

Synonyms (English) for "downstairs":
Context examples for "downstairs" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
incoming mail is sorted downstairs
la correspondencia que se recibe se clasifica abajo
there's someone moving around downstairs
anda alguien abajo
he went downstairs to open the door
bajó a abrir la puerta
By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was falling hard.
Patrimonio Cultural State's love for old bridges rekindled by storm - Vermont - USA BARTONSVILLE (AP).- By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was falling hard.
By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was falling hard.
Patrimonio construido State's love for old bridges rekindled by storm - Vermont - USA BARTONSVILLE (AP).- By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was falling hard.
he's downstairs in the kitchen
está abajo en la cocina
she'll be downstairs in a minute
enseguida baja
he fell downstairs
se cayó por las escaleras
I went downstairs quickly
bajé con rapidez
to fall downstairs
caerse por la escalera
we hurried downstairs
bajamos corriendo
The responsibility in dealing with those problems lies with us all – all the institutions – and not only with the press room downstairs.
La responsabilidad de hacer frente a esos problemas recae sobre todos nosotros –todas las instituciones– y no solamente sobre la sala de prensa de abajo.
The responsibility in dealing with those problems lies with us all – all the institutions – and not only with the press room downstairs.
La responsabilidad de hacer frente a esos problemas recae sobre todos nosotros – todas las instituciones– y no solamente sobre la sala de prensa de abajo.
What I do not praise, however, is the Bureau's organisation, with us sitting up here while the Sakharov prize is being discussed downstairs.
Sin embargo, no quiero alabar el modo de proceder de la Mesa que nos obliga a estar aquí sentados mientras abajo discuten los portadores del premio Sajarov.
For example, a thousand people a year - no doubt some of them small children - die in England and Wales while falling downstairs.
Por ejemplo, mil personas - entre las que, sin duda, se encuentran niños pequeños - mueren cada año en Inglaterra y Gales a consecuencia de una caída por las escaleras.
All the people from the press in the room downstairs tell me, however, that Mr Prodi's spokesman said that if Parliament wants this meeting to take place in public, it can be.
Todos los periodistas en la sala del piso de abajo me dicen, no obstante, que el portavoz del Sr. Prodi afirmó que si el Parlamento desea que esta reunión se celebre en público, puede ser así.