
"doctrina" in English

"doctrina" in English
gospel{noun} (doctrine)
Si esto ocurriera, sería ignorar la doctrina del Evangelio acerca del amor hacia el prójimo que sufre o padece necesidad" (61).
This would be to forget the lesson which comes to us from the Gospel concerning love of our neighbor who is suffering and in need
En efecto, la doctrina social de la Iglesia tiene su fuente en la Sagrada Escritura, comenzando por el libro del Génesis y, en particular, en el Evangelio y en los escritos apostólicos.
In fact the Church's social teaching finds its source in Sacred Scripture, beginning with the Book of Genesis and especially in the Gospel and the writings of the Apostles.
las familias todas, un SUBSIDIO PASTORAL, para asimilar mejor la doctrina de la
PASTORAL AID, for greater understanding of the teaching of the Church on the
evangélico y su doctrina social, promueve el desarrollo integral de
and her social teaching, promotes the integral development of individuals
Cristo en todos los ambientes, su conocimiento de la Doctrina social de la
environment, their knowledge of the Church's Social Teaching, their
doctrine{noun} [law]
para expresar la doctrina de la fe, todas las veces que, en cualquier manera, se
helpful for expressing the doctrine of the faith whenever the difference 'of
la Encíclica da un considerable aporte de novedad a la doctrina social de la
Encyclical provides a very original contribution to the social doctrine of the
recordar algunas verdades fundamentales de la doctrina católica, que en el
fundamental truths of Catholic doctrine which, in the present circumstances,

Synonyms (Spanish) for "doctrina":
Context examples for "doctrina" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Con su Doctrina social la Iglesia contribuye igualmente al bien de la sociedad.
The Church also contributes to the good of society with her social teaching.
las familias todas, un SUBSIDIO PASTORAL, para asimilar mejor la doctrina de la
PASTORAL AID, for greater understanding of the teaching of the Church on the
En todo caso, nuestra doctrina debe ser la resolución pacífica de los conflictos.
In all events, the peaceful resolution of any conflict must be our creed.
futura conducta irreprensible,45 y esto según la doctrina aprobada y la
demonstrating lack of trust either in the grace of God or in the dispositions of
perenne de la doctrina cristiana sobre el trabajo humano, ha tenido y sigue
fundamental and perennial heart of Christian teaching on human work, has had
Se trata de conseguir un precedente, crear una doctrina y crear una jurisprudencia.
We are attempting to establish a precedent, set up a basic principle and a body of law.
Esa doctrina ya ha hecho mucho daño en la historia del Europa Sudoriental.
That school of thought has already done great damage in the history of south-eastern Europe.
la doctrina de la fe, sea que se enseñe en Centros de estudio o se
their responsibility for the doctrinal teaching of faith both in the centers
llamado la atención sobre « algunas verdades fundamentales de la doctrina
Splendor, I drew attention to “certain fundamental truths of Catholic
Él dice: hemos de partir de la doctrina Cassis de Dijon de confianza mutua.
He said that we need to work on the basis of the 'Cassis de Dijon' principle of mutual trust.
doctrinales que sostienen las argumentaciones son los de la doctrina
arguments advanced are drawn from those expressed in the documents of the
Cristo en todos los ambientes, su conocimiento de la Doctrina social de la
environment, their knowledge of the Church's Social Teaching, their
Él dice: hemos de partir de la doctrina Cassis de Dijon de confianza mutua.
He said that we need to work on the basis of the 'Cassis de Dijon ' principle of mutual trust.
evangélico y su doctrina social, promueve el desarrollo integral de
and her social teaching, promotes the integral development of individuals
Esto no se puede llamar proteccionismo, porque se trata de la doctrina de la supervivencia.
That cannot be called protectionism, as it is a question of survival.
esposos reconozcan, ante todo, claramente la doctrina de la Humanae Vitae
would first recognize clearly the teaching of Humanae Vitae as
doctrina, ha recordado que, "por la celebración de la Eucaristía
meaning, recalled that "through the celebration of the Eucharist of the
La Dirección General de Competencia no necesitaba este nuevo caso para ilustrar su doctrina.
The Directorate-General for Competition did not need this new case to illustrate its thinking.
doctrina acerca del carácter y la naturaleza colegial del orden
the character and collegial nature of the episcopal order, but also the
si bien está claramente atestiguado en la doctrina de la fe y por
her ministers should be involved in the work of redemption) which,