
"decades" in Spanish

"decades" in Spanish
décadas{f pl}
The Member States have been carrying out their national censuses for many decades.
Los Estados miembros llevan muchas décadas elaborando sus censos nacionales.
Africa, with its tragedies, will constitute the emergency of the coming decades.
África, con sus tragedias, constituirá la prioridad de las próximas décadas.
Neither was the terrorism which continued for decades in Northern Ireland.
Tampoco lo era el terrorismo que persistió durante décadas en Irlanda del Norte.
To my mind, the greatest challenge of this decade is that of social cohesion.
En mi opinión, el mayor reto de la década actual es el de la cohesión social.
Over the last decade, the way the ECSC has acted is reminiscent of banking.
En la última década, la actividad de la CECA era parecida a la actividad bancaria.
At the start of this decade, it was Germany that was the main offender.
A comienzos de la década, Alemania era la gran infractora.
This decade marks the reconciliation between European history and geography.
Este decenio marca la reconciliación entre la historia y la geografía europeas.
Over the last decade, their role has been considerably strengthened.
Durante el último decenio ha habido un fortalecimiento considerable de su papel.
So competition will be distorted in the single internal market for a decade.
Por tanto, la competencia estará distorsionada en el mercado interior único durante un decenio.

Synonyms (English) for "decade":
Context examples for "decades" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Over the last few decades events have separated the island politically and economically.
Este reacercamiento también puede respaldar el cambio en ambas partes de la isla.
especially of the last decades have helped to revive in the Church not only the
decenios han contribuido a reavivar en la Iglesia, junto con el recuerdo
Around Europe there have been several very big ferry disasters in recent decades.
En Europa han ocurrido muchos accidentes de transbordadores durante los últimos decenios.
The decisive factor here is the role that oil will play in the coming decades.
El factor decisivo aquí es el papel que desempeñará el petróleo en los próximos decenios.
understood over the past five decades, thanks to new information which has made
comprender en estos cinco decenios gracias a la adquisición de nuevos
In a few decades India will be one of the largest economies in the world.
Dentro de unos pocos decenios, la India será una de las mayores economías del planeta.
Here, we have worked for decades to set up this freedom of movement.
Desde hace varios lustros trabajamos aquí para organizar esa libre circulación.
decades of the last century, left Europe in large numbers for the countries of
en los últimos decenios del siglo pasado, se dirigían en gran número
This product has been manufactured by our distilleries for decades.
El producto es distribuido ya desde hace muchos decenios por nuestras destilerías.
Several decades have gone by but there is still no free movement of services in Europe.
Permitirá reforzar la competencia y liberalizar los mercados laborales.
Indeed its share of added value has been diminishing for some decades.
En efecto, su papel en el valor añadido no ha dejado de disminuir desde hace decenios.
Desertification is not a modern problem; it has been with us for decades.
La desertización no es un problema nuevo, pues ha coexistido con nosotros durante decenios.
A development which has been very much encouraged by the policy trends of recent decades.
La actuación política de los últimos decenios ha estimulado en gran parte esta evolución.
We should not forget that a few decades ago we lived through a similar fate here in Europe.
Debemos recordar que en Europa sufrimos un destino similar hace decenios.
Now that three decades have passed, the weaknesses of the current system are only too well known.
Pasados tres decenios, resultan notorias las fragilidades del sistema vigente.
freedom of religion, which for decades in those lands had been limited,
libertades civiles, incluida la religiosa, que durante decenios había
Industry has had decades to develop a strategy of self-regulation here.
La industria ha tenido decenios de tiempo para desarrollar aquí una estrategia de compromiso.
the Council of Trent, has flourished in these last decades in many parts
del Concilio Tridentino, en estos últimos decenios ha conocido, en
We have been working on this for many decades without perhaps using this particular term.
Durante muchos años hemos estado trabajando con esto, quizá sin usar justamente ese concepto.
The last decades of the twentieth century have been punctuated by a series of food scares.
Los últimos decenios del siglo XX han estado jalonados por una serie de sustos alimentarios.