
"crisis crediticia" in English

"crisis crediticia" in English
La crisis crediticia es también un reflejo de esta trayectoria.
The credit crisis is also a reflection of this course.
Asunto: Repercusiones negativas de la crisis crediticia internacional en el sector del comercio
Subject: Negative impact on business of the international credit crisis
Muchas empresas viables cosechaban espléndidos beneficios antes de la crisis crediticia.
There are many viable businesses which, before the credit crisis, would be making fantastic profits.
El riesgo de otra "crisis crediticia" no ha desaparecido.
The risk of a further 'Credit Crunch' is not over.
Ahora a Brasil le afectará la crisis crediticia y la caída del precio de las materias primas.
Brazil will be hit now by the credit crunch and the fall in commodity prices.
La crisis crediticia tan comentada, supone la reducción del volumen de los préstamos.
The much talked-about credit crunch looms large, in any case, in the contraction of the volume of credit.

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Context examples for "crisis crediticia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ahora a Brasil le afectará la crisis crediticia y la caída del precio de las materias primas.
Brazil will be hit now by the credit crunch and the fall in commodity prices.
Asunto: Repercusiones negativas de la crisis crediticia internacional en el sector del comercio
Subject: Negative impact on business of the international credit crisis
Muchas empresas viables cosechaban espléndidos beneficios antes de la crisis crediticia.
There are many viable businesses which, before the credit crisis, would be making fantastic profits.
La crisis crediticia tan comentada, supone la reducción del volumen de los préstamos.
The much talked-about credit crunch looms large, in any case, in the contraction of the volume of credit.
La crisis crediticia es también un reflejo de esta trayectoria.
The credit crisis is also a reflection of this course.
El riesgo de otra "crisis crediticia" no ha desaparecido.
The risk of a further 'Credit Crunch' is not over.
Usted ha supervisado la Agenda de Lisboa: estaba hundida sin remisión mucho antes de que nos alcanzara la crisis crediticia.
You have overseen the Lisbon Agenda: it was sunk without trace way before the credit crunch hit us.
Aquí tiene: la crisis crediticia, la crisis económica y la crisis climática: tres exámenes para un verdadero dirigente.
There is the credit crunch, the economic crisis, the climate crisis - three tests of genuine leadership.
La Unión debe ofrecer apoyo práctico a todas las iniciativas en esta dirección, especialmente en vista de la crisis crediticia.
The Union must provide practical support for all efforts in this direction, especially in light of the credit crisis.
Son las familias corrientes las que más han sufrido el impacto de la crisis crediticia y el colapso del valor de acciones y ahorros.
It is ordinary families who are hardest hit by the credit crunch and the collapse in the value of shares and savings.
Hemos facilitado a la industria del automóvil europea, a la que afectó especialmente la crisis crediticia, el acceso a la financiación.
We have provided the European motor industry, especially badly hit by the credit crunch as it was, with access to financing.
Por eso me centro hoy en cómo volver a evaluar esta crisis crediticia, pero también -y ante todo- la recesión en la que nos encontramos.
That is why I would focus today on how to reassess this credit crunch, but also - and first and foremost - the recession we are in the middle of.
Sin embargo, el medio ambiente ha llegado a una situación peligrosa evidenciada por las catástrofes naturales, y se ha llegado a una situación de crisis crediticia.
However, the environment has reached a parlous state, as can be seen from natural disasters, and a credit crisis has been reached.
Ella, como la Dama de Hierro, cree en el equilibrio presupuestario y no en buscar una salida a la crisis crediticia y a la crisis económica de forma infundada.
She, like the Iron Lady, believes in balanced budgets and not spending your way out of the credit crunch and economic crisis in an unfunded way.
Los mismos mecanismos que generaron la crisis crediticia mundial ahora especulan desvergonzadamente en detrimento de los países que se enfrentan a los mayores problemas financieros.
The very mechanisms which created the global credit crisis are now speculating shamelessly at the expense of the countries which face the greatest financial problems.