
"cosa relacionada" in English

"cosa relacionada" in English

Context examples for "cosa relacionada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Un segundo punto que me interesa mucho es la limpieza de minas, pues una cosa está muy relacionada con la otra.
A second point, which is very dear to my heart, is the clearance of mines, because one thing is connected with another.
Señor Presidente, quisiera preguntar a la Comisaria una cosa relacionada con lo que acaba de decir acerca del Viking.
Mr President, I should like to ask the Commissioner a question in connection with what she said a moment ago about the Viking.
Cualquier cosa relacionada con un enfoque instructivo sobre un cierto tema debería implicar simplificación en lugar de complicación.
Anything involving an educational approach to a particular topic should involve simplification rather than complication.
(NL) Señor Presidente, quisiera preguntar a la Comisaria una cosa relacionada con lo que acaba de decir acerca del Viking.
(NL) Mr President, I should like to ask the Commissioner a question in connection with what she said a moment ago about the Viking.
Señor Santer, es difícil preguntarle otra cosa que no esté relacionada con la excelente cocina de Lyon, que parece ser ha constituido el tema central de la cumbre.
It is difficult to ask Mr Santer about anything other than the obviously excellent Lyons cuisine that appears to have been the main item of the summit, but nevertheless!