
"cosa rara" in English

"cosa rara" in English
cosa rara{feminine}
oddball{noun} [Amer.] [coll.] (object)
oddity{noun} (thing)

Context examples for "cosa rara" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me parece una cosa lógica pero muy rara hasta la fecha y por ello la valoro.
This seems a logical course of action which, until now, has very rarely been taken, hence my appreciation.
Sólo puedo decir una cosa: rara vez he podido tratar a un político tan gélido y rígido como él.
I can only say one thing: I have never experienced such an ice-cold, inflexible politician as him.
Señor Presidente, un presupuesto sin nuevos endeudamientos es una cosa rara en Europa y en el mundo.
Mr President, a budget without fresh borrowing is something really special in Europe and the world.
elogió mi vestido, cosa rara en ella
she was uncharacteristically complimentary about my dress
cosa rara en él, se equivocó
he made a mistake, which is unusual for him
Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, Señorías, es la segunda ocasión en la que intervengo en una hora, lo que no deja de ser cosa rara.
Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, this is the second time now that I have spoken in an hour - - a rare thing!
¡qué cosa más rara de decir!
what a strange thing to say!
¡qué cosa más rara!
it's a rum do
¡qué cosa más rara!
how strange!
Ésta no coincide con la mía en este caso, cosa que sucede muy rara vez, pero creo que es legítimo que esta opinión llegue a expresarse.
While this does not concur with my own view in this particular case - which is quite an unusual turn of events - I nevertheless consider it legitimate that this opinion should be expressed.
Este plan, como ya se ha dicho, prometía convertir Terni en un centro de excelencia en la producción de acero laminado magnético, cosa rara a la luz de lo que el señor Langen acaba de decir.
This plan, as has already been said, promised to make Terni a centre of excellence in magnetic sheet steel production, which is strange in light of what Mr Langen has just said.