
"con instrumentos" in English

"con instrumentos" in English

Similar translations for "con instrumentos" in English
Context examples for "con instrumentos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Crea y edita interpretaciones MIDI y de instrumentos virtuales con el MIDI Editor.
Create and edit virtual instrument and MIDI performances with the MIDI Editor.
Señor Presidente, actualmente contamos con diversos instrumentos financieros.
Mr President, we have a number of financing instruments to deal with today.
Contamos con muchos instrumentos que ni siquiera hemos intentado utilizar.
There are many tools at our disposal that we are not even trying to exercise.
Disponemos de estadísticas fiables con los instrumentos que se nos aportan.
We have reliable statistics from the instruments we have been supplied with.
0Todo ha de hacerse con instrumentos más flexibles que los que hemos tenido hasta ahora.
Everything must be done with more flexible instruments than we have had until now.
No obstante, contamos con instrumentos institucionalizados similares en la Unión Europea.
However, we have similar institutionalised instruments in the European Union.
Para ello contamos con instrumentos suficientes que se perfeccionarán si resulta necesario.
We have sufficient instruments for doing this, which can be updated if necessary.
Lo que ocurre es que, probablemente, no basta simplemente con los instrumentos.
What is happening is probably that the fact of merely having the instruments is not enough.
La apertura y la transparencia son los instrumentos democráticos con que contamos.
Openness and transparency are the democratic tools we have available.
La Comisión desea evitar interferencias con otros instrumentos financieros ya existentes.
The Commission wishes to avoid overlaps with existing financing instruments.
No ocurre lo mismo con los instrumentos de dirección de la nave comunitaria.
The same cannot be said of the Community ship's navigation instruments.
Espero con impaciencia poner en funcionamiento estos instrumentos, junto con ustedes.
I look forward to putting those instruments to work, together with you.
Eurojust debe aportar un verdadero valor añadido con respecto a los instrumentos existentes.
Eurojust should bring real added value compared with the existing instruments.
Esto se ha traducido al alemán con «los mejores instrumentos de servicio de información».
This was translated into German as 'die besten nachrichtendienstlichen Instrumente '.
Esto se ha traducido al alemán con« los mejores instrumentos de servicio de información».
This was translated into German as 'die besten nachrichtendienstlichen Instrumente '.
Tenemos que actuar y necesitamos contar con los instrumentos adecuados para ello.
We have to take action, and to do so we need the right instruments.
- (NL) Con la venta de instrumentos que ayuden a matar se puede ganar mucho dinero.
. (NL) The sale of instruments which facilitate the killing of people can be very lucrative.
Cada país cuenta con sus propios instrumentos y reglas del juego para conseguir la ratificación.
Each country has its own tools and rules of the game for achieving ratification.
Utilice los instrumentos comunitarios con el objetivo particular de fomentar la democracia.
Make use of the community instruments, in particular, to promote democracy.
Para ser eficaz, debemos contar con instrumentos funcionales para luchar contra el terrorismo.
In order to be effective, we must have workable instruments for fighting terrorism.