
"instrumentos" in English

"instrumentos" in English
instrumentos{masculine plural}
instrumentation{noun} [aviat.]
instrumentos y equipos electrónicos especiales;
instrumentation systems and special electronic equipment;
instrumentos{masculine plural}
Necesitamos buenos instrumentos comunitarios que funcionen paralelamente a los instrumentos de la PESC.
We need strong Community instruments working alongside the instruments of the CFSP.
Luxemburgo deposita los instrumentos de ratificación del Tratado de Amsterdam.
Luxembourg deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
¿Qué instrumentos desarrollará la Comisión Europea para las autoridades locales?
What instruments will be developed by the European Commission for local authorities?

Synonyms (Spanish) for "instrumentos":
Context examples for "instrumentos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No es gratuito lo que se ha dicho sobre la necesidad de adaptar los instrumentos.
What has been said about the need to adapt instruments is by no means gratuitous.
Se han introducido nuevos instrumentos, pero ha faltado apertura y transparencia.
New instruments have been introduced; openness and transparency have been lacking.
Luxemburgo deposita los instrumentos de ratificación del Tratado de Amsterdam.
Luxembourg deposits the instruments of ratification of the Treaty of Amsterdam.
¿Qué instrumentos desarrollará la Comisión Europea para las autoridades locales?
What instruments will be developed by the European Commission for local authorities?
Europol y el programa STOP son instrumentos para combatir el tráfico de mujeres.
Europol and the STOP programme are instruments for combating trade in women.
Crea y edita interpretaciones MIDI y de instrumentos virtuales con el MIDI Editor.
Create and edit virtual instrument and MIDI performances with the MIDI Editor.
No nos pusimos de acuerdo sobre los instrumentos más adecuados para conseguirlo.
We did not agree as to the instruments with which we can best achieve this.
Creo que lo que estamos a punto de adoptar son buenos instrumentos legislativos.
I believe that what we are about to adopt are good legislative instruments.
Antes de la crisis no disponíamos de los instrumentos que ahora estamos creando.
Before the crisis we did not have the instruments that we are creating now.
Los nuevos instrumentos pretenden dar más responsabilidades y más flexibilidad.
The new instruments aim to provide greater responsibility and increased flexibility.
Hay que mantener la coherencia entre los diferentes instrumentos legislativos.
Consistency between the different pieces of legislation has to be maintained.
No obstante, creemos que habría que adoptar algunos instrumentos a escala europea.
Nevertheless, we believe that some instruments should be adopted at European level.
Dispone de instrumentos para la integración de unas relaciones de buena vecindad.
It has instruments for the integration of good relations between neighbours.
Los instrumentos legales de que disponemos deben ser adaptados a la nueva realidad.
The legal instruments that are at our disposal must be adapted to the new reality.
A fin de cuentas, los acuerdos pueden ser instrumentos muy útiles, esto es evidente.
The fact is that agreements can be a very useful instrument, that is quite clear.
Este aspecto exige el despliegue de todos nuestros instrumentos y bastantes recursos.
This will require deployment of all our instruments and considerable resources.
Me parece necesario, por tanto, adoptar instrumentos de estabilización de los precios.
It therefore seems to me necessary to introduce price stabilisation instruments.
Desde esta perspectiva consolidaremos la coordinación de los instrumentos europeos.
From this perspective, we will strengthen the coordination of European instruments.
Estas cuestiones se reflejan en los diferentes instrumentos que venimos presentando.
These issues are reflected in the different instruments that we have been tabling.
Lógicamente, para ello deberán optimizarse los instrumentos de asistencia técnica.
This will of course also require the refinement of technical assistance instruments.