
"collective memory" in Spanish

"collective memory" in English
This Heritage constitutes the collective memory of Humanity.
Este Patrimonio constituye la memoria colectiva de la humanidad.
• Visual integrity and its relationship with collective memory and cultural identity.
• Integridad visual y su relación con la memoria colectiva e identidad cultural.
The tragedy of the Holocaust is now part of our collective memory.
Ahora la tragedia del Holocausto forma parte de nuestra memoria colectiva.

Context examples for "collective memory" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
• Visual integrity and its relationship with collective memory and cultural identity.
• Integridad visual y su relación con la memoria colectiva e identidad cultural.
The Memory of the World is the documented, collective memory of the people of the world.
El Recuerdo del Mundo es la registro, documental colectivo de la gente del mundo.
Remembering 8 May 1945 is an act that stimulates our collective memory.
Recordar el 8 de mayo de 1945 es un acto que alimenta la memoria colectiva.
The tragedy of the Holocaust is now part of our collective memory.
Ahora la tragedia del Holocausto forma parte de nuestra memoria colectiva.
The intention is to erase him from the collective memory of the Tibetan people.
Ha dicho usted, señor Comisario, que la Comisión se implicará siempre y cuando las dos partes se lo pidan.
A collective conscience and memory of the past is a way of reinforcing the value of the present.
Una conciencia y una memoria colectivas del pasado son la forma de reforzar el valor del presente.
Remembering 8 May 1945 is an act that stimulates our collective memory.
Cuando recordamos, cuando sentimos esta profunda obligación del recuerdo, también hay que decir la verdad.
The conflicts in the region have undermined the image of women in the collective memory.
Los conflictos que afectan a la región han minado la imagen de la mujer que existe en la memoria colectiva.
This Heritage constitutes the collective memory of Humanity.
Este Patrimonio constituye la memoria colectiva de la humanidad.
Therefore the Holodomor is an indelible part of Ukrainian national identity and collective memory.
Así que el Holodomor es una parte indeleble de la identidad nacional ucraniana y la memoria colectiva.
Collective memory ever to be produced sees its mass growing and becomes scattered and heterogeneous.
La mémoire collective qui ne cesse d'être produite voit sa masse croître et est devenue éparse et hétérogène.
The collective memory on the US side appears to have been erased. We are starting completely from scratch.
Parece que se ha borrado la memoria colectiva por parte americana y tenemos que empezar partiendo de cero.
He was a great man and, undoubtedly, a great European, who will remain in the collective memory of this Parliament.
Ha sido un gran hombre y, sin duda, un gran europeo, que permanecerá en la memoria colectiva de este Parlamento.
.: 274 Collective memory in the urban landscape: which memorials for a traumatic past?
Ref.: 268 The role of landscape, memory and identity as a basis for sense of place and intangible values in the concept of historic urban landscapes.
It’s one of those places which are fixed in the collective memory and in the history of men, their crimes as well as their heroic acts.
Es uno de esos lugares que se fijan en la memoria colectiva y en la historia de la humanidad, junto a sus crímenes y a sus actos heroicos.
La Nouba which calls on both individual and collective memory, is an unforgettable journey into a world at once threatening and exhilarating, frightening and familiar.
Sólo en el Walt Disney World® Resort en Florida.
While we all carry with us the collective memory of the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there are no equivalent common images for biological weapons.
Aunque todos llevamos dentro la memoria colectiva de los horrores de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, no hay imágenes comunes equivalentes para las armas biológicas.
Or does it represent an entirely new approach that must effectively integrate cu-rated objects, protected places, living traditions, and collective memory?
¿O representa completamente un nuevo enfoque que debe integrar eficazmente objetos expuestos, lugares protegidos, tradiciones vivas, y memoria colectiva?
The establishment of the ‘ legal requirement’ to deposit the master copy is a further welcome measure in preserving people’ s collective memory and identity.
Por lo tanto, hemos votado en contra de este informe, puesto que creemos que no era necesario que el Parlamento Europeo abordara para nada esta recomendación.
The collective memory of a Nation is quite often defined by those memories enshrined in national monuments and in particular, those not publically memorialized.
La memoria colectiva de una nación es a menudo definida por los recuerdos consagrados en los monumentos nacionales y, en particular, no a los recordados públicamente.