
"caza de aves" in English

"caza de aves" in English

Similar translations for "caza de aves" in English
Context examples for "caza de aves" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por lo tanto, existe una razón de peso para no permitir la caza de aves durante ese período.
Consequently, there is a basic reason not to allow hunting of wild birds during this period.
En ningún caso esas medidas transitorias permiten la caza de aves migratorias en primavera.
Under no circumstances does this transitional measure allow for migratory bird hunting in the spring.
Por lo tanto, existe una razón de peso para no permitir la caza de aves durante ese período.
The reason why hunting is banned in the spring period is because wild birds are migrating to their reproduction sites.
(DE) Señor Presidente, a diferencia del orador que me ha precedido, por mi parte considero que la resolución sobre la caza de aves en Malta es muy importante.
(DE) Mr President, unlike the previous speaker, I believe this resolution on bird hunting in Malta is a very important resolution.
(EL) Señora Presidenta, quiero dar las gracias al señor Libicki por haberme dado la oportunidad de explicar la posición de la Comisión respecto a la caza de aves en Malta.
(EL) Madam President, I should like to thank Mr Libicki for giving me an opportunity to formulate the Commission's position on bird hunting in Malta.