
"calumnioso" in English

"calumnioso" in English
calumnioso{adjective masculine}
calumnioso{adjective masculine}
Respecto de las alusiones calumniosas pronunciadas hacia mi persona; he de decir que no es mi actitud normal y que no he querido en ningún momento alterar el normal desarrollo del debate.
As for the slanderous allusions directed at me, I have to say that it is not my normal attitude and that at no time did I wish to alter the normal conduct of the debate.
libellous{adj.} [Brit.] (insulting)
La aserción de que Turquía importará terrorismo y gansterismo es calumniosa y un insulto a nuestro aliado de la OTAN.
The assertion that Turkey would import terrorism and gangsterism is libellous and an insult to our NATO ally.
Dicho esto y dejando de lado imputaciones realmente calumniosas en este momento, quiero defender el criterio de la aplicación temporal dilatada, el período de transición de dos años.
Having said this and leaving aside accusations which are truly libellous at the moment, I would like to defend the idea of an extended transition period of two years.
libelous{adj.} (insulting)

Context examples for "calumnioso" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Este comportamiento es inaceptable, por insultante y calumnioso.
That is truly unacceptable behaviour; it is insulting as well as calumnious.