
"bumper car" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "bumper car":
Context examples for "bumper car" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If someone fails an exam or dents his car bumper or something like that, we put the calamity in perspective by saying 'at least we have our health '.
Se trata de un coadyuvante químico que disuelve estos venenos en el agua y los transfiere entonces a los tejidos y los huesos del organismo.
If someone fails an exam or dents his car bumper or something like that, we put the calamity in perspective by saying 'at least we have our health'.
Cuando alguien suspende un examen, abolla el parachoques del coche o le ocurre algo por el estilo, desdramatizamos la situación afirmando que «al menos estamos sanos».