
"boyfriend" in Spanish

"boyfriend" in Spanish
I don't think much of her boyfriend
no tengo muy buena impresión de su novio
according to her, her boyfriend is a catalogue of virtues
según ella, su novio es un cúmulo de virtudes
everyone quizzed her about her new boyfriend
todo el mundo le hacía preguntas sobre su nuevo novio
pololo{m} [Chile] [coll.]
chamaco{m} [Mex.] [coll.] (novio)
empate{m} (novio)
filo{m} [SAm.] [coll.] (novio)
flirt{m} (persona)
galán{m} [humor.] (novio)
she's keeping an eye on her boyfriend
anda sobres con el galán
huaina{m} [SAm.] [coll.] (novio)
guaina{m} [SAm.] [coll.] (novio)
jebo{m} [Ven.] [slg.] (novio)
peuco{m} [Chile] [coll.] (novio)

Synonyms (English) for "boyfriend":
Context examples for "boyfriend" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
have you seen her new boyfriend? she's really scraping the barrel!
¿has visto con quién sale ahora? ¡tiene que estar muy desesperada!
according to her, her boyfriend is a catalogue of virtues
según ella, su novio es un cúmulo de virtudes
she's all right, but I can't stand her boyfriend
ella no me cae mal, al que no aguanto es a su novio
everyone quizzed her about her new boyfriend
todo el mundo le hacía preguntas sobre su nuevo novio
you know Julie's boyfriend? — yes, what about him?
¿conoces al novio de Julie? — sí ¿por qué?
her boyfriend went off, leaving her in the family way
el novio se fue y la dejó con encargo
she's so sloppy, she's all over her boyfriend
esa caluga pasa colgada al cuello de su novio
have you seen the boyfriend she's found herself?
¿has visto el novio que le ha salido?
she saw her boyfriend getting off with another girl
vio a su novio enrollado con otra
she saw her boyfriend making out with another girl
vio a su novio enrollado con otra
her boyfriend's nothing to write home about
el novio no es nada del otro mundo
how are things going between her and her boyfriend?
¿cómo le va con el novio?
your boyfriend's a weird specimen
¡qué espécimen te fuiste a elegir de novio!
I don't think much of her boyfriend
no tengo muy buena impresión de su novio
what does her boyfriend do? — he's a doctor
¿qué hace su novio? — es médico
she turned up with her boyfriend of the moment
llegó con el novio de turno
you couldn't wish for a better boyfriend
no se puede desear un novio mejor
your boyfriend's a right one
¡qué espécimen te fuiste a elegir de novio!
she had fallen out with her boyfriend
se había peleado con su novio
her boyfriend's nothing special
el novio no es nada del otro mundo