
"along with" in Spanish

"along with" in Spanish
along with{preposition}
along with{preposition}
junto con{prp.}
Access to funding is vital, along with the legal and administrative facilities.
El acceso a financiación es vital, junto con las facilidades legales y administrativas.
This is something we, along with the electorate, greatly appreciate.
Esto es algo que, junto con el electorado, apreciamos enormemente.
Along with Austria, this could also be Slovakia or Poland, for instance.
Junto con Austria, podría estar también Eslovaquia o Polonia, por ejemplo.

Similar translations for "along with" in Spanish
Context examples for "along with" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
But that is quite unacceptable and not a position we could go along with at all.
Pero eso es totalmente inaceptable y no podemos transigir en absoluto al respecto.
WADA was taking shape along the lines of what we wanted and was set up in 1999.
Quisiera verla convertida en una institución internacional de derecho público.
I recommend that the Stability and Growth Pact be altered along these lines.
Recomiendo que se modifique el Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento en esta línea.
Nevertheless, the Member States must be encouraged to continue along these lines.
No obstante, hay que animar a los Estados miembros a continuar en esta línea.
Nevertheless, we are going along with the reasoning put forward by Parliament.
No obstante, estamos siguiendo la lógica presentada por el Parlamento Europeo.
I am pleased that my amendments along these lines were incorporated into the report.
Me satisface que mis enmiendas en este sentido se hayan incorporado al informe.
It is along these lines, of course, that the MEDIA programme plays a dominant role.
En este sentido, por supuesto, el programa MEDIA desempeña un papel preponderante.
I am pleased to say that my colleague MrsEstrela’s report is along these lines.
Me complace decir que el informe de mi colega, la señora Estrela, va en este sentido.
Transhipment and, along with this, transhipment terminals are what are needed.
El trasbordo se hace necesario y con ello la existencia de terminales de trasbordo.
Mr President, I note that Parliament is continuing along those same lines today.
Señor Presidente, constato que hoy el Parlamento sigue en esta misma línea.
Today, this Parliament is sending out the first clear message along these lines.
Hoy este Parlamento está enviando el primer mensaje claro en este sentido.
We need to make some changes along the lines of the Feio report to be voted on today.
Tenemos que hacer algunos cambios respecto al informe Feio que se va a votar hoy.
That is why all of this is along the right lines, and why it is extremely important.
Y eso explica porqué todo esto avanza por buen camino, y porqué es tan importante.
She journeys along the roads of her land carrying in her womb the supreme mystery.
Camina por las sendas de su tierra llevando en su interior el sumo misterio.
I support it as does my group and, along with Mr Spencer, I commend it to the House.
La apoyo, como mi Grupo, y, junto con el Sr. Spencer, la recomiendo a la Asamblea.
I am pleased to say that my colleague Mrs Estrela’ s report is along these lines.
Me complace decir que el informe de mi colega, la señora Estrela, va en este sentido.
Mr Schmidt, Mr Trichet, I absolutely cannot go along with these proposals.
Señor Schmidt, señor Trichet, no puedo de ningún modo aprobar estas propuestas.
We must therefore start off along this common path, this walk together, at Barcelona.
En consecuencia, debemos comenzar este docking, este ir juntos ya desde Barcelona.
the language of the Slav population which had settled along the borders of
estirpe eslava que se había establecido hasta los confines de su región y de su
The period will be more or less five years so we will go along with that.
Esa moratoria durará más o menos cinco años, así que estamos de acuerdo con eso.