
"al costado" in English

"al costado" in English
al costado{adverb}
alongside{adv.} [idiom]

Similar translations for "al costado" in English
Context examples for "al costado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Y [en adelante] mantén tu brazo pegado al costado, libre de todo temor.
" And when he saw it writhing as though it were a snake, he turned away and fled and did not turn.
La EEB ya ha costado al Reino Unido 1.500 millones de libras en pérdidas de exportaciones.
BSE has already cost the UK GBP 1.5 billion in lost exports.
Y eso le ha costado dinero al Consejo.
That has cost the Council money.
Este ejercicio es políticamente positivo en esa dirección, porque al Parlamento le ha costado mucho ganar sus competencias, como a todos los Parlamentos.
In this respect, this exercise is politically positive, because Parliament has had to fight hard to gain its competences, like all parliaments.
Cada uno de los miembros de esta Cámara debería levantarse y acostarse cada día siendo consciente de que un día cualquiera costará, o de que ha costado, al contribuyente 6 400 euros.
Each Member of this House should have to get up and go to bed every day with the thought that he or she will cost, or has cost, the taxpayer EUR 6 400 that day.
Dejando aparte el mucho tiempo que le ha costado al ponente elaborar un informe, otro motivo de crítica son las limitaciones que quiere imponer al transporte por carretera.
Setting aside the long time the rapporteur took to produce the report, another point of criticism against the report is the restrictions it wants to impose on road transport.
Hemos visto lo mucho que le ha costado arrancar al mercado europeo de los derechos de emisión y lo negativamente que el precio del carbono ha desviado su rumbo debido a la crisis económica.
We have seen how slow the EU ETS carbon market has been to get off the ground and how badly the carbon price has been thrown off course by the economic crisis.
La Dirección general de ISPAN protesta enérgicamente contra esta profanación de un monumento histórico y religiosos de importancia capital y que tanto ha costado al pueblo hatiano.
The ISPAN General Director has protested energically against this profanation of a historic and religious monument of key importance and which has so meant so much effort for the Haitian people.
Su manipulación de las elecciones y su respuesta represiva a los disturbios populares han costado al Gobierno etíope el respeto en su país y en el extranjero, y han desestabilizado al país.
Its manipulation of the elections and its repressive response to popular unrest have cost the Ethiopian Government respect at home and abroad and have cost the country itself its stability.