
"accidently" in Spanish

A nuclear accident is not the same as a train accident.
No es lo mismo un accidente nuclear que un accidente de tren.
Subject: Railway accident in Buizingen and electronic safety system
Asunto: Accidente ferroviario de Buizingen y sistemas electrónicos de seguridad
The liability of carriers of passengers by sea in the event of an accident (
Responsabilidad de los transportistas de pasajeros por mar en caso de accidente (
However, 70% of all fatal accidents involving children in cars are the result of side crashes.
Aun así, un 70% de todos los accidentes de vehículos de pasajeros con víctimas mortales infantiles corresponden a choques laterales.
However, 70 % of all fatal accidents involving children in cars are the result of side crashes.
Aun así, un 70 % de todos los accidentes de vehículos de pasajeros con víctimas mortales infantiles corresponden a choques laterales.
accident{noun} [idiom]
siniestro{m} [form.] (accidente)
among those missing after the accident
entre los desaparecidos en el siniestro
In the accident barometer measured against the gauge of shipwrecks the traditional mercury has been replaced by oil or residual acid.
Si el barómetro de los siniestros es indicador de naufragios, el mercurio tradicional se ha convertido en petróleo o en ácido residual.
If it had been the other way round, the accident that recently took place in Gibraltar would surely have caused a further disaster on a huge scale.
Si hubiera sido al revés, el siniestro ocurrido estos días en Gibraltar habría provocado seguramente una nueva catástrofe de grandes dimensiones.
It is not by accident that the pact was called the 'Stability and Growth Pact'.
No es casualidad el que el pacto se llame "Pacto de Estabilidad y Crecimiento".
There is reason enough to think that this was not by accident, but by design.
Hay motivos suficientes para pensar que esto no ha sido por casualidad, sino a propósito.
Up to one percent is permitted in unforeseen circumstances, so by accident.
Hasta un 1 % está permitido en circunstancias imprevistas, o sea por casualidad.

Synonyms (English) for "accident":