
"a lo" in English

"a lo" in English
a lo{adverb}
a lo{preposition}
a lo{adverb}
a la{adv.}
à la{adv.}
a lo{preposition}
à la{prp.} [idiom]

Similar translations for "a lo" in English
Context examples for "a lo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
rico patrimonio, que todos se han esforzado por conservar con fervor a lo largo
bequeathed to various peoples a rich patrimony, which all have zealously worked
Se lo digo a usted, señor Presidente, por quien siento un gran respeto personal.
I say this to you, Mr President, for whom I have a great deal of personal respect.
Se me ha preguntado a menudo lo que los húngaros aportaríamos a la Unión Europea.
I have often been asked what we Hungarians bring with us into the European Union.
Esto resta credibilidad a lo que, esencialmente, es un planteamiento encomiable.
This diminishes the credibility of what is essentially a commendable approach.
Perderemos esta lucha y deberíamos empujar a los demás a que tampoco lo hagan.
If we do that, we will lose, and we should force the others not to do it either.
Lo expulsamos entonces y seguimos oponiéndonos a lo que defiende el Sr.
We expelled them then and we continue to reject what Mr Haider stands for now.
Por lo tanto, a la Comisión le complacería que se pudieran aclaran un poco más.
The Commission would therefore welcome it if these could be further clarified.
Los ciudadanos podrán hacer saber a la Unión Europea lo que piensan de su trabajo.
Citizens will be able to let the European Union know what they think of its work.
Señor Presidente, si, sobre esa base, el PPE vota a favor, entonces yo lo aceptaré.
Mr President, if, on that basis the PPE will vote 'for' , then I will accept it.
Insto a todos los diputados y Grupos políticos de este Parlamento a que lo apoyen.
I would urge all Members and political groups of this Parliament to support this.
Las Instituciones de la UE han avanzado mucho en lo relativo a la transparencia.
We have come quite a long way in our EU institutions when it comes to transparency.
Prefiero defender lo que creo que es bueno a dar mi aprobación a lo que es malo.
I would rather stand for what I think is right than to applaud that which is wrong.
Haciendo eso, nos arriesgamos a crear lo mismo que tememos: un Estado islamista.
In so doing, we risk creating the very thing we purport to fear: an Islamist state.
El ponente, enfrentado a lo imposible, prefiere ignorar este crudo veredicto.
The rapporteur, faced with the impossible, prefers to ignore this stark verdict.
Por suerte, fracasó miserablemente en su empeño, y a usted le pasará lo mismo.
He, fortunately, failed miserably in this, and you will have the same experience.
No quisiera que hubiera un malentendido con respecto a lo que he dicho a la Sra.
I do not want there to be any misunderstanding on what I have said to Mrs Dybkjaer.
Señor Presidente, si, sobre esa base, el PPE vota a favor, entonces yo lo aceptaré.
Mr President, if, on that basis the PPE will vote 'for ', then I will accept it.
El segundo punto de acuerdo se refiere a lo que se ha aceptado en la Convención.
The second point on which we agree is on what was accepted at the Convention.
Es un tema separado que requiere más análisis, y lo requiere a más largo plazo.
It is a separate issue that requires more analysis, and that is for a longer term.
de Dios, a lo largo de las consideraciones enmarcadas en el matrimonio en el
the considerations which are made about marriage in the order of creation in the