
"warmongering" in Spanish

"warmongering" in Spanish
The latter group helps reduce opportunities for environmental scandals, corruption, financial fraud, warmongering and dictatorial acts.
Este último grupo contribuye a reducir las oportunidades de que se produzcan escándalos medioambientales, corrupción, fraude financiero, belicismo y actos dictatoriales.
We are opposed to a capitalist, warmongering EU, and hence also to any enlargement of the EU.
Estamos en contra de una UE capitalista y belicista y, por tanto, en contra de cualquier ampliación de la UE.
This is what warmongering politicians are trying to instil in our minds, and it is simply illogical.
Esto es lo que los políticos belicistas tratan de inculcarnos, lo cual simplemente es ilógico.
It is precisely these values that Bush is scorning, with his warmongering cronies and his disregard for Europe.
Son precisamente estos valores los que Bush está despreciando, junto con sus amigotes belicistas y su desconsideración hacia Europa.

Synonyms (English) for "warmongering":
Context examples for "warmongering" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The aggressive stand taken by the Americans on the International Criminal Court is the product of its warmongering, imperialist plans.
La postura agresiva que han adoptado los estadounidenses en relación con la Corte Penal Internacional es producto de sus planes belicosos e imperialistas.
Prime Minister Berlusconi has been interested more in Russia’ s warmongering dimension rather than peace, ordinary cooperation with people and their social well-being.
Solo quisiera recordar a todos los presentes los peligros asociados al transporte de petróleo ruso, que aumenta rápidamente.
We voted in favour of the only amendment which opposes this premeditated barbaric warmongering but we rejected the report, which merely seeks to justify it.
Hemos votado a favor de la única enmienda que se opone a esta barbarie militar programada, y por tanto hemos rechazado este informe, que no pretende más que justificarla.
Finally, Mr President of the Commission, you should not forget that the majority of Europeans have been opposed to President Bush’s warmongering exploits from the very beginning.
Por último, no olvide, señor Presidente de la Comisión, que la mayoría de los europeos se opuso, desde el comienzo, a la aventura guerrera del Presidente Bush.
Finally, Mr President of the Commission, you should not forget that the majority of Europeans have been opposed to President Bush ’ s warmongering exploits from the very beginning.
Por las tres razones que acabo de mencionar, y sin querer enjuiciar por mi parte a los distintos Comisarios y Comisarias, no confiamos en esta Comisión como tal.
How often have representatives of the party groups, which are now supporting the wishy-washy, war-mongering majority text, complained about the USA's world hegemony?
¿En cuántas ocasiones no se han quejado los representantes de los Grupos que ahora apoyan el texto mayoritario insípido y beligerante de la hegemonía mundial de Estados Unidos?
I agree with Mr Dupuis in calling for an international arrest warrant to be issued at long last against Milosevic, so as to put an end to his war-mongering and, I believe, criminal actions.
Estoy de acuerdo con el Sr. Dupuis que augura una orden de detención internacional contra Milosevic, al objeto de poner término a una política de guerra a ultranza y, yo diría, criminal.