
"vestida" in English

"vestida" in English
vestido{adjective masculine}
frock{noun} [Brit.]
gown{noun} (dress)
apareció en la recepción vestido de calle
he turned up at the reception in casual clothes
iba vestido corrientemente
he was dressed in ordinary clothes
iba vestido en plan hippie
he was wearing hippyish clothes
vestido(also: traje)
dress{noun} [cloth.]
¡qué vestido más bonito! — no es el vestido, es la percha
what a lovely dress! — it's not the dress, it's the person wearing it
apareció toda despechugada, con un vestido escotadísimo
she turned up showing off her cleavage in a low-cut dress
era su mejor vestido, el que tenía reservado para las grandes ocasiones
it was her best dress, worn only on high days and holidays
vestido(also: traje)
suit{noun} [cloth.]
vestido{adjective masculine}
no iba vestido con el cuidado de siempre
he was not dressed with his usual smartness
vino vestido de leñador, con hacha y todo
he came dressed as a woodman, complete with axe
siempre va impecablemente vestido
he is always impeccably dressed
clad{adj.} [poet.]
El violonchelista Vedran Smajovic, vestido de negro, estaba tocando el Adagio de Tomaso Albinoni.
The cellist, Vedran Smajovic, clad in black, was playing Tomaso Albinoni's Adagio.

Context examples for "vestida" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
siempre iba vestida con ropa heredada de su hermana
she was always dressed in her sister's hand-me-downs
últimas de la Iglesia y del mundo, donde vuelve de nuevo la señal de la « mujer », esta vez « vestida del sol » (Ap 12, 1).
all that "enmity" which marks the history of man. In this history Mary remains a sign of sure hope.
no saldrás a la calle vestida de esa manera ¿no?
you're not going out dressed like that, are you?
sus padres querían verla vestida de blanco
her parents wanted to see her walk down the aisle
soy muy libre de ir vestida como se me antoje
I'm perfectly entitled to dress however I like
no estaba vestida de forma adecuada para la ocasión
she wasn't dressed for the occasion
vestida así parece una artista de cine
she looks like a movie star dressed like that
no estaba vestida para la ocasión
she wasn't wearing the right clothes
vestida así va a parar el tráfico
she'll stop the show in that outfit
no estoy vestida como para una fiesta
I'm not dressed for a party
iba vestida de forma muy llamativa
she was conspicuously dressed
causó sensación vestida de rojo
she wore red to great effect
una mujer elegantemente vestida
a smartly dressed woman
iba toda vestida de negro
she was dressed all in black
iba decentemente vestida
she was respectably dressed
se metió vestida
she jumped in with her clothes on
vestida de terciopelo negro
clad in black velvet
costosamente vestida
expensively dressed
iba vestida de azul
she was wearing blue
¿cómo iba vestida?
what did she have on?