
"un tercio" in English

"un tercio" in English
un tercio{noun}
El mercado interior representa casi un tercio del acervo comunitario.
The internal market accounts for almost one third of the Community .
El mercado interior representa casi un tercio del acervo comunitario.
The internal market accounts for almost one third of the Community.
Un tercio de los casos se solucionó de forma amistosa a satisfacción del demandante.
One third of cases were settled amicably to the satisfaction of the complainant.

Similar translations for "un tercio" in English
a- an
Context examples for "un tercio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hace poco han vetado más de un tercio de las leyes aprobadas por el Parlamento.
They have now vetoed more than a third of the laws adopted by the parliament.
Un tercio del tiempo podría destinarse al debate espontáneo, como indicaste.
A third of the time could be set aside for spontaneous debate, as you intimated.
Un tercio de los casos se solucionó de forma amistosa a satisfacción del demandante.
One third of cases were settled amicably to the satisfaction of the complainant.
Quienes han votado "no" representan sólo un tercio del electorado irlandés total.
Those who voted 'no' represent only one third of the total Irish electorate.
El Fondo de Cohesión representa más de un tercio del presupuesto total de la UE.
The Cohesion Fund accounts for more than one third of the total EU budget.
Asunto: Programa de desmantelamiento de un tercio del sector del pescado blanco irlandés
Subject: Decommissioning programme for one third of the Irish whitefish sector.
La aviación ya genera un tercio de todas las emisiones de carbono de Londres.
Aviation already accounts for one third of all London's carbon emissions.
Aproximadamente un tercio de ellos se clasificaron en la categoría de "catástrofes grave".
Of these, approximately one third came under the category of 'major disasters'.
Turquía niega la masacre de un tercio del pueblo armenio en el pasado.
Turkey denies the massacre of one-third of the Armenian population in the past.
Esto representa casi un tercio del comercio mundial total de mercurio metálico.
That is almost a third of the entire world trade in metallic mercury.
La Comisión está aumentando su ayuda al desarrollo en un tercio a 200 millones de euros.
The Commission is raising its development assistance by one third to EUR 200 million.
Recuerdo que la población de la Unión aumentará un tercio de aquí a 2007.
I would remind you that by 2007 the Union’s population will have increased by a third.
La cogeneración constituye actualmente un tercio de la electricidad producida en Finlandia.
Cogeneration now accounts for a third of the electricity produced in Finland.
En el próximo ejercicio, volverá a destinarse un tercio del presupuesto a política estructural.
A third of the Budget will once again be devoted to structural policy next year.
Las centrales eléctricas producen un tercio de electricidad y dos tercios de calor sobrante.
Power stations produce one-third of electricity and two-thirds of waste heat.
Aproximadamente un tercio de la población de la Unión Europea tiene problemas de movilidad.
Approximately one third of the EU population suffer from mobility problems.
Solo en la ciudad de Arles, un tercio de la población ha sido evacuada.
In the town of Arles alone, a third of the population has been evacuated.
El transporte es responsable de aproximadamente un tercio de las emisiones de CO2 en la UE.
Transport is responsible for around a third of all CO2 emissions in the EU.
En el sector privado, las mujeres están mucho mejor representadas, ya que un tercio de ellas...
In the private sector, women are much better represented, with a third of them ...
Algunos analistas incluso barajan una cifra de un tercio del consumo total.
Some analysts even mention a figure of a third of total consumption.