
"u s congress" in Spanish

"u s congress" in Spanish
u(also: you, thou)
If you go back to your country of residence, you will need to request a U1 form in the country where you last worked.
Si regresas a tu país de residencia, debes solicitar el formulario U1 en el país donde hayas trabajado por última vez.
If you wish to export your unemployment benefits to another country, you need to apply for another U2 form.
Si deseas exportar tus prestaciones de desempleo a otro país, tienes que solicitar otro formulario U2.
If you go back to your country of residence, you will need to request a U1 form (former E 301 form) in the country where you last worked.
Si vuelves a tu país de residencia, necesitarás pedir un formulario U1 (antiguo formulario E 301) en el país donde trabajaste por última vez.

Synonyms (English) for "u":
Similar translations for "u s congress" in Spanish
U- u- Univ.
Context examples for "u s congress" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The U. S. Congress, however, has not yet approved the 'fast track ' proposal.
El Congreso norteamericano no ha aprobado aún el Fast Track.
The U.S. Congress, however, has not yet approved the 'fast track' proposal.
El Congreso norteamericano no ha aprobado aún el Fast Track.
This means that the U.S. Congress currently has direct participatory powers in Qatar.
Es decir, el Congreso norteamericano tiene por el momento una posibilidad directa de influir en Katar.
This means that the U. S. Congress currently has direct participatory powers in Qatar.
Es decir, el Congreso norteamericano tiene por el momento una posibilidad directa de influir en Katar.
I particularly rely on the legislative activities at the U.S. Congress enabling the Copenhagen Conference to achieve global solutions.
Sobre todo confío en que las actividades legislativas del Congreso de los Estados Unidos permitan que se alcancen soluciones de carácter mundial en la Conferencia de Copenhague.