
"trino" in English

"trino" in English
trinar{intransitive verb}
Otra, en trino monetario, permanente, a cargo del Presidente del BCE.
The other, with a monetary trill, will be permanent and will be emitted by the President of the ECB.
piping{noun} (sound)
trinar[trinando · trinado] {intransitive verb}
Otra, en trino monetario, permanente, a cargo del Presidente del BCE.
The other, with a monetary trill, will be permanent and will be emitted by the President of the ECB.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "trino":
Context examples for "trino" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
uno y trino en el Espíritu Santo por obra de Jesucristo, Redentor del Hombre y
the day of Pentecost onwards with the Apostles, to remain with the Church and
misterio absoluto de Dios uno y trino, la Persona-amor, el don increado, fuente
mystery of the Triune God, he is the Person-love, the uncreated gift, who
y trino se hace enteramente don, intercambio del amor recíproco entre las
of the Triune God becomes totally gift, an exchange of mutual love between the
hasta tal punto en el misterio de Dios, uno y trino, y de Cristo, Verbo
she wrote to St Agnes of Prague - means being so immersed in the mystery of the
que creen en Dios uno y trino, revelado por Jesucristo y predicado por la
all those who believe in God, One and Three, revealed by Jesus Christ and
pleno y duradero de la contemplación del Dios Uno y Trino.
tells us, leads in the end to the full and lasting joy of the contemplation of
penetra cada vez más en mundo humano: « Dios uno y trino, que en sí
the human world more and more: "The Triune God who 'exists' in
. - Apertura a Dios Uno y Trino, que está
Openness to the word means openness to God, to the Church and to the world. - Openness to God Uno et Trino,
el trino de los pájaros al amanecer
the dawn chorus
¡Cómo no dar hoy gracias a Dios, uno y trino, por todo lo que a lo largo de los últimos veinte años vemos como respuesta suya a esa oración!
How can we fail to thank the Triune God today for all that in the course of the last twenty years we see as his response to that cry!
preparación especial a esta fórmula trinitaria, en la que se expresa la fuerza vivificadora del Sacramento que obra la participación en la vida de Dios uno y trino, porque da al hombre la gracia
preparation for this Trinitarian formula, in which is expressed the life-giving power of the Sacrament which brings about sharing in the life of the Triune