
"total price" in Spanish

"total price" in English
Cocoa butter represents 8 to 9 % of the total price of chocolate.
Efectivamente, la manteca de cacao representa del 8 al 9 % del precio total del chocolate.
Cocoa butter represents 8 to 9% of the total price of chocolate.
Efectivamente, la manteca de cacao representa del 8 al 9% del precio total del chocolate.
Bundle value represents the total price of the components if purchased individually.
El valor del paquete representa el precio total de los componentes si se compraran de forma individual.

Context examples for "total price" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Cocoa butter represents 8 to 9 % of the total price of chocolate.
Efectivamente, la manteca de cacao representa del 8 al 9 % del precio total del chocolate.
Cocoa butter represents 8 to 9% of the total price of chocolate.
Efectivamente, la manteca de cacao representa del 8 al 9% del precio total del chocolate.
Bundle value represents the total price of the components if purchased individually.
El valor del paquete representa el precio total de los componentes si se compraran de forma individual.
That can be had only at the price of total surveillance, which cannot be reconciled with a free state under the rule of law.
Sólo se puede tener ésta al precio del control total y éste no es compatible con un Estado de derecho libre.
For it to be accepted, there must be no supplementary costs, total price transparency and optimum preparation.
No debe haber costes suplementarios, sino una transparencia total de los precios y una óptima preparación para que sea aceptado.
Total price: free flight EUR 67.
Precio total: vuelo gratis por 67 euros.
It is very important that consumers be informed of the total price and principle characteristics of a given product immediately before ordering.
Es muy importante que los consumidores conozcan el precio total y las características principales de un producto determinado antes de solicitarlo.
This report shows the number of items sold, the total revenue, the average price, and the average order quantity for each product you sell online.
Este informe muestra el número de artículos vendidos, los beneficios, el precio medio y la cantidad media de pedidos de cada producto que vende online.
We have an amendment here which also protects, I am very glad to say, those who are selling products where the total price is not the unit price.
Tenemos aquí una enmienda que también protege, y me alegra mucho poder decirlo, a aquellos que venden productos cuyo precio total no guarda relación con el precio por unidad.