
"toreo" in English

bullfighting{noun} [sports]
El apartado nº 71 del informe, al proponer de forma simplista el final del toreo...
Paragraph No 71 of the report, by simplistically proposing an end to bullfighting ...
El apartado nº 71 del informe, al proponer de forma simplista el final del toreo...
Paragraph No 71 of the report, by simplistically proposing an end to bullfighting
El toreo es una tradición de siglos que está arraigada en varias regiones de diferentes Estados miembros.
Bullfighting is a centuries-old tradition that is rooted in various regions of different EU Member States.
No entiendo cómo el Parlamento Europeo ha podido aprobar que las ayudas agrícolas de la UE vayan a parar a unos animales que se destinan al toreo.
I cannot understand how the European Parliament can approve the use of EU agricultural aid for animals which are used in bull fighting.
He votado así porque no hemos de permitir que el toro de lidia se extinga, y su existencia queda salvaguardada por la institución del toreo.
I voted this way because the fighting bull must not be allowed to die out, and its existence is safeguarded by the institution of the bullfight.
to wind up {vb} (make angry)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "torear":
Context examples for "toreo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
hay mucho morbo dentro del toreo
there is a large element of ghoulish fascination in bullfighting
toreó en plazas de poca monta
he fought in bullrings of little note
Sin embargo, me repulsa el espectáculo del toreo que actualmente se practica en Portugal y en otros Estados miembros de la UE.
Having said that, I am repulsed by the spectacle of the bullfight as it is currently practised in Portugal and in other EU Member States.
No entiendo cómo el Parlamento Europeo ha podido aprobar que las ayudas agrícolas de la UE vayan a parar a unos animales que se destinan al toreo.
I cannot understand how the European Parliament can approve the use of EU agricultural aid for animals which are used in bull fighting.
He votado así porque no hemos de permitir que el toro de lidia se extinga, y su existencia queda salvaguardada por la institución del toreo.
I voted this way because the fighting bull must not be allowed to die out, and its existence is safeguarded by the institution of the bullfight.
Ello no significa que el espectáculo del toreo y la tradición asociada a él no deba evolucionar y adaptarse a los valores morales de cada época.
This does not mean that the spectacle of the bullfight and the tradition associated with it should not evolve and adapt to the moral values of the time.