
"to get around to" in Spanish

"to get around to" in English
to get around to
viajar con frecuencia

Similar translations for "to get around to" in Spanish
Context examples for "to get around to" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In particular, one out of two Italians uses his or her own car to get around.
En particular, uno de cada dos italianos utiliza su propio vehículo para desplazarse.
No pretext may be invoked to get around this crucial requirement of transparency.
No se puede alegar ninguna excusa para eludir el requisito fundamental de la transparencia.
With the help of flexible integration we can get around short-term obstacles.
Mediante la integración flexible se pueden sortear escollos temporales.
The environmental movement should get around to withdrawing its demands for an end to fishing.
El movimiento ecologista debería dejar de exigir que se ponga fin a la pesca.
Here are a few tips for using the Internet Explorer web browser to get around the web.
Éstas son algunas sugerencias para usar el explorador web Internet Explorer para navegar por la red.
I therefore also think that we cannot get around the fact, to be honest, that we cannot do without nuclear power.
Por eso creo que, para ser honestos, hemos de reconocer que no podemos prescindir de la energía nuclear.
Politicians and senior officials are now openly discussing how to get around the results of these referendums.
Los políticos y altos cargos están debatiendo ahora abiertamente cómo sortear los resultados de estos referendos.
to get around to the hospital as quickly as possible
vayan al hospital lo más pronto posible
We will see how to get around this, but there is always the problem of distrust between police authorities.
Ya veremos cómo se soluciona esto, porque sigue existiendo el problema de la desconfianza entre las autoridades policiales.
An extended partition is a way to get around a limit on the number of primary partitions a basic disk can have.
Una partición extendida es una forma de eludir el límite en el número de particiones primarias que puede tener un disco básico.
I must get around to writing those letters
debo ponerme a escribir esas cartas
we can't all get around this table
no cabemos todos alrededor de esta mesa
The Irish Government was wrong and now Mr McHugh has found ways to get around the Commission to basically facilitate himself.
El Gobierno irlandés obró mal y ahora el Sr. McHugh ha encontrado el modo de eludir a la Comisión para hacerse con la licencia.
you certainly get around in your job
tu sí que viajas con tu trabajo
I get around on foot or by train.
Me desplazo a pie o en tren.
I'll get around to it sometime
ya lo haré en algún momento
We cannot get around this point.
Tenemos que reconocerlo.
Let us get around the negotiating table.
The JET plan may get around this because it will be done via a series of contracts with national associations to provide services.
El plan JET puede sortearlo, porque se hará mediante una serie de contratos con asociaciones nacionales para la prestación de servicios.
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