
"to detract from" in Spanish

"to detract from" in Spanish
demeritar{v.t.} [LAm.] [form.] (esfuerzos, trabajo)
desvirtuar{v.t.} (debilitar)
That does not detract from the full responsibility that the Commission assumes, as the Treaty requires, for the execution of the Community budget.
Esto no desvirtúa la plena responsabilidad que asume la Comisión, como requiere el Tratado, de la ejecución del presupuesto comunitario.
The tragic events of September 11 and the intensified attention to safety measures cannot detract from this fundamental approach.
Los trágicos acontecimientos del 11 de septiembre y la mayor atención dedicada a las medidas relativas a la seguridad no pueden desvirtuar el planteamiento fundamental.
Let us make use of the enhanced cooperation in the Treaty, without a mad rush that could detract from and prevent its consolidation.
Valgámonos de la cooperación reforzada del Tratado, sin prisas enloquecidas que la desvirtúen e impidan su consolidación.

Similar translations for "to detract from" in Spanish
Context examples for "to detract from" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They help detract from the quality of the political system in developing countries.
Ayudan a disminuir la calidad del sistema político en los países en desarrollo.
That does not detract from the fact that I am delighted with the interest in this topic.
Eso no significa que no esté encantado con la atención que se presta a esta materia.
Indeed, they have even passed measures which detract from the acquis of the single market.
De hecho, han aprobado medidas que incluso menoscaban el acervo del Mercado Único.
That does not detract from the fact that Turkey has made huge efforts.
Eso no es óbice para afirmar que Turquía ha realizado unos esfuerzos enormes.
The proposals detract from the rapporteur’ s much more balanced approach.
Dichas propuestas menoscaban el enfoque mucho más equilibrado del ponente.
But that is not to detract from the general point which the honourable Member has made.
Pero con ello no pretendo quitar mérito a la observación general hecha por Su Señoría.
The proposals detract from the rapporteur’s much more balanced approach.
Dichas propuestas menoscaban el enfoque mucho más equilibrado del ponente.
commitment of removing all obstacles which could detract from the fervor of
del compromiso de remover todos los obstáculos que puedan apartar del
All that, Mr Savary, does not in any way detract from the quality of the work accomplished.
Todo esto, señorSavary, no resta nada a la calidad del trabajo realizado.
That does not detract from the fact that Turkey has made huge efforts.
Ha desarrollado una legislación laboral y contiene disposiciones sobre los desempleados.
That does not, however, detract from the deep appreciation which we have for this report.
Por lo demás, no repercute en la valoración sumamente positiva que hacemos de este informe.
Hard words do not in any way detract from my appreciation of the cooperation.
Unas palabras duras no alteran en la esencia la cooperación.
All this does not detract from our appreciation of the rapporteur's work.
Todo esto no quita nuestra estima por el trabajo del ponente.
However, this plan must not detract from the EU's focus on the Eastern Partnership.
Sin embargo, este plan no debe restar valor al objetivo de la UE en relación con la Asociación Oriental.
It has to be admitted that there are many cases of inconsistency which detract from Europe's credibility.
Ha de admitirse que existen muchos casos de incoherencia que restan credibilidad a Europa.
However, this last comment is a technical one and does not detract from the report as a whole.
Sin embargo, este último comentario es de carácter técnico y no resta mérito al informe en su conjunto.
However, that should not detract from the usefulness of this report and we shall, of course, vote in favour of it.
Esto no debería desmejorar la utilidad de este informe. Lo votaremos, naturalmente.
This does not detract from the fact that tourism policy must be coordinated more effectively and better managed.
No obstante, sí se ha de gestionar mejor y coordinar con mayor eficacia la política de turismo.
These brief comments do not detract from the fact that it is important to include this subject on the IGC agenda.
Estas observaciones no obvian la importancia de incluir este tema en el orden del día de la CIG.
Climate and energy policy must strengthen the Lisbon Strategy; they should not detract from it.
La política energética y de protección climática debe contribuir a reforzar la Estrategia de Lisboa, y no a debilitarla.