
"tigre" in English

"tigre" in English
Sin tal procedimiento, el conjunto del artículo sigue siendo un tigre de papel.
Without such a procedure, the whole article remains a paper tiger.
La legislación sobre productos químicos ha de ser eficaz, y no solo un tigre de papel.
Chemicals legislation has to be effective, and not just a paper tiger.
¿Un tigre de papel en lugar de una directiva global horizontal tal vez?
A paper tiger instead of a comprehensive horizontal directive perhaps?

Synonyms (Spanish) for "tigre":
Context examples for "tigre" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La pobre isla verde se ha convertido en un tigre celta.
Unemployment is less than 4 per cent, and the country also has a genuine budget surplus.
varias personas dijeron haber visto al tigre
several people reported seeing the tiger
el tigre estaba agazapado, listo para atacar
the tiger was poised to spring
un tigre atacó al ciervo y lo mató
the deer was mauled to death by a tiger
un tigre anda suelto por la ciudad
a tiger is loose in the town
un tigre acechante
a tiger lying in wait for its prey
hijo de tigre
like father, like son
Operación Tigre
Operation Tiger