
"The Almighty" in Spanish

"The Almighty" in Spanish
Todopoderoso{m} [rel.] (Dios)
Therefore they are equal works of the Almighty Creator' .
Por tanto son obras del creador todopoderoso equiparables a nosotros».
Therefore they are equal works of the Almighty Creator '.
Por tanto son obras del creador todopoderoso equiparables a nosotros».
preferential relationship which the Almighty Lord wishes to establish with all
experimenta la relación preferencial que el Señor todopoderoso

Similar translations for "The Almighty" in Spanish
el- los- la- las
to thepreposition
Context examples for "The Almighty" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
believe, we say: “Almighty and eternal God, you created mankind so that all
denota el cansancio debido a los intentos de comprender los misteriosos
immortal God.Of his glory we become witnesses.Almighty though he washe
eterno e inmortal.Somos testigos de su gloria.De omnipotente como era,se
God: the holy and almighty God, who from the beginning is the source of
proclama con fuerza la verdad no ofuscada sobre Dios: el Dios santo y
Allah has decreed, "I will most certainly prevail, I and My Messengers"; surely Allah is Strong, Almighty.
[Pues] Dios ha decretado: “¡Ciertamente, venceré, Yo y Mis enviados!
This House will make an almighty song and dance about the proposal that you are preparing.
Vamos a montar tal debate aquí en el Parlamento sobre esta propuesta que ustedes preparan que no se les olvidará.
I believe we have an almighty struggle ahead of us.
Creo que tenemos ante nosotros una gran tarea, una gran lucha.
the city, for the Lord Almighty and the Lamb were themselves the temple
Cordero, son su templo» (Ap 21,22).
there was an almighty ruckus
se armó un bollo tremendo
Let us establish a truly European railroad system, even if this has to be done in spite of the almighty, national railroad carriers.
Creemos un verdadero sistema ferroviario europeo, incluso si hay que hacerlo a costa de las poderosas compañías ferroviarias nacionales.
Almighty Father”.
Santo, todo honor y toda gloria ».
almighty God, God almighty
Dios Todopoderoso
an almighty fall
una caída estrepitosa
he's an almighty bore
es un plomazo
God Almighty!
¡Virgen Santísima!
God Almighty!
¡bendito sea Dios!
God Almighty!
Dios Todopoderoso
Almighty God
Dios Todopoderoso
the Almighty
el Todopoderoso
Little did they know that the EU mainly views Turkey as being of close to almighty importance in counteracting the threat of Islamic fundamentalists.
Poco sabían ellos que la UE ve en Turquía principalmente una milagrosa posibilidad de contrarrestar la amenaza de los fundamentalistas islámicos.
God Almighty!
¡santo cielo!