
"textile" in English

"textile" in English
textil{adjective masculine/feminine}
"textile" in Spanish
Aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajan actualmente en Europa en la industria textil.
About 2 million people are currently employed in the European textile industry.
Esto ayudaría, sin duda alguna, a la industria textil europea.
That would unquestionably help the European textile industry.
Se trata de organizaciones benéficas que trabajan dentro del sector textil.
These are particularly concerned with charity organisations which work within the textile sector.
textile{noun} (factory, industry, machinery)
Aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajan actualmente en Europa en la industria textil.
About 2 million people are currently employed in the European textile industry.
Esto ayudaría, sin duda alguna, a la industria textil europea.
That would unquestionably help the European textile industry.
Se trata de organizaciones benéficas que trabajan dentro del sector textil.
These are particularly concerned with charity organisations which work within the textile sector.
textile{noun} (worker)
Aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajan actualmente en Europa en la industria textil.
About 2 million people are currently employed in the European textile industry.
Esto ayudaría, sin duda alguna, a la industria textil europea.
That would unquestionably help the European textile industry.
Se trata de organizaciones benéficas que trabajan dentro del sector textil.
These are particularly concerned with charity organisations which work within the textile sector.
textil{adjective masculine/feminine}
Muy sucintamente, su común denominador es una ecologización de toda la industria textil.
Briefly, they concern increasing the ecological awareness of the whole textile industry.
No es cierto que la industria textil no se haya visto afectada por las inundaciones.
It is not true to say that the textile industry was not impacted by the flooding.
– El sector textil y de la confección en Europa afronta una grave crisis.
– The textile and clothing industry in Europe is facing a serious crisis.
About 2 million people are currently employed in the European textile industry.
Aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajan actualmente en Europa en la industria textil.
That would unquestionably help the European textile industry.
Esto ayudaría, sin duda alguna, a la industria textil europea.
These are particularly concerned with charity organisations which work within the textile sector.
Se trata de organizaciones benéficas que trabajan dentro del sector textil.
About 2 million people are currently employed in the European textile industry.
Aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajan actualmente en Europa en la industria textil.
That would unquestionably help the European textile industry.
Esto ayudaría, sin duda alguna, a la industria textil europea.
These are particularly concerned with charity organisations which work within the textile sector.
Se trata de organizaciones benéficas que trabajan dentro del sector textil.
There are two difficulties for the textile and clothing sector.
En el caso del sector textil y de la confección se presentan dos puntos neurálgicos.
The textile and clothing industry manufacturing base is shrinking.
La base industrial del sector textil y de la confección está menguando.
Mr President, our textile and clothing industry is in bad shape.
– Señor Presidente, nuestra industria del sector textil y de la confección va mal.
About 2 million people are currently employed in the European textile industry.
Aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajan actualmente en Europa en la industria textil.
That would unquestionably help the European textile industry.
Esto ayudaría, sin duda alguna, a la industria textil europea.
These are particularly concerned with charity organisations which work within the textile sector.
Se trata de organizaciones benéficas que trabajan dentro del sector textil.
textil{adj. m/f}
Briefly, they concern increasing the ecological awareness of the whole textile industry.
Muy sucintamente, su común denominador es una ecologización de toda la industria textil.
It is not true to say that the textile industry was not impacted by the flooding.
No es cierto que la industria textil no se haya visto afectada por las inundaciones.
– The textile and clothing industry in Europe is facing a serious crisis.
– El sector textil y de la confección en Europa afronta una grave crisis.

Synonyms (English) for "textile":