
"textil" in English

"textil" in English
textil{adjective masculine/feminine}
Aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajan actualmente en Europa en la industria textil.
About 2 million people are currently employed in the European textile industry.
Esto ayudaría, sin duda alguna, a la industria textil europea.
That would unquestionably help the European textile industry.
Se trata de organizaciones benéficas que trabajan dentro del sector textil.
These are particularly concerned with charity organisations which work within the textile sector.
textile{noun} (factory, industry, machinery)
Aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajan actualmente en Europa en la industria textil.
About 2 million people are currently employed in the European textile industry.
Esto ayudaría, sin duda alguna, a la industria textil europea.
That would unquestionably help the European textile industry.
Se trata de organizaciones benéficas que trabajan dentro del sector textil.
These are particularly concerned with charity organisations which work within the textile sector.
textile{noun} (worker)
Aproximadamente 2 millones de personas trabajan actualmente en Europa en la industria textil.
About 2 million people are currently employed in the European textile industry.
Esto ayudaría, sin duda alguna, a la industria textil europea.
That would unquestionably help the European textile industry.
Se trata de organizaciones benéficas que trabajan dentro del sector textil.
These are particularly concerned with charity organisations which work within the textile sector.
textil{adjective masculine/feminine}
Muy sucintamente, su común denominador es una ecologización de toda la industria textil.
Briefly, they concern increasing the ecological awareness of the whole textile industry.
No es cierto que la industria textil no se haya visto afectada por las inundaciones.
It is not true to say that the textile industry was not impacted by the flooding.
– El sector textil y de la confección en Europa afronta una grave crisis.
– The textile and clothing industry in Europe is facing a serious crisis.

Context examples for "textil" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Muchos pequeños productores del sector textil cierran o se hacen importadores.
Therefore, these countries will have unrestricted access to EU markets.
Hoy sucede con el textil, mañana con el sector mecánico y después con la electrónica.
We are all pleased at China’ s entry into the WTO; we helped to achieve this objective.
Naturalmente, esto tiene grandes implicaciones para la industria de fabricación textil europea.
This does, of course, have major implications for European manufacturing industry.
Soy consciente de que la industria textil está atravesando momentos difíciles.
Some highly industrialised regions of Portugal are even experiencing economic crisis, as we speak.
Señor Presidente, los problemas del sector textil mundial dividen a Europa entre norte y sur.
What we must do is suspend and reverse the current policies on trade liberalisation.
Hemos votado a favor del informe sobre el sector textil y de la confección después de 2005.
There is a need for further action to address the problem that has arisen in this respect.
Aun así, la industria textil sigue sobreviviendo, modernizándose y renovándose.
This sector has a pioneering history, an active present and a future full of challenges and uncertainties.
¿Desaparecerá la industria textil de la Europa Occidental?
In Europe, tens of millions of workers are wholly or partially unemployed.
Francia y Europa necesitan definir ya una estrategia de defensa de su industria textil.
No unemployment had resulted, and the trade unions had played an active part in the structural change.
En tales circunstancias degradantes no sorprende que superen la producción europea de textil.
In those degrading circumstances, it is hardly surprising that they surpass European clothing output.
- en segundo lugar: la creación de un observatorio europeo del sector textil y de la confección.
I should like to highlight some of the points in the motion for a resolution tabled by Mrs Ferrer:
– Señor Presidente, la industria textil y de la confección de la Unión Europea atraviesa tiempos difíciles.
Assuming that the Commission agrees, when could such a monitoring centre be created?
Hoy es la industria textil; mañana le llegará el turno a otra.
That is how things stand on the global market at the moment.
Pido a la Comisión que acepte que este es el camino del futuro de la industria textil en Europa.
Even before that, however, we need to understand the Commission ’ s and the Member States ’ philosophy.
– El sector textil fue el primero de la industria de la UE en sentir los rigores del cambio en el mercado mundial.
While we talk about fair trade and core labour standards, capital can do as it pleases.
la ciudad siempre ha estado vinculada a la industria textil
the town has always been connected with the textile trade
En 2000 el textil y la confección representaban el 95 % de todas las exportaciones de productos industriales de Bangladesh.
I am thinking of footwear, bicycles, machine components, and also high-tech goods.
Por lo que se refiere al lino textil y al cáñamo, propongo que se ponga en consonancia al cáñamo con el lino textil.
With flax and hemp I propose to bring hemp back into line with flax.
El informe Saïfi está pensado para combatir el aumento de las importaciones del textil de China a Europa.
This was a painful process for many regions in northern Europe, but it led to a new competitiveness.
Es lo que pido hoy para el sector textil y de la confección, un sector clave de la Unión Europea.
Finally, for the future of this sector to be genuinely promising, constant attention must be paid to developing it.