
"Sunday newspaper" in Spanish

dominical{m} [Spa.]
As a result of this, an article featuring him recently appeared, in good faith, in a national Sunday newspaper.
Como resultado, se ha publicado un artículo recientemente donde se le ilustra, de buena fe, en un dominical de tirada nacional.
One Member made reference to an article in a Sunday newspaper in Ireland, which I also read and found equally horrific.
Una diputada ha hecho referencia a un artículo aparecido en la edición dominical de un periódico de Irlanda, que también yo leí y me pareció igualmente horrible.
I was terribly shocked in my own country when I began to read in a serious Sunday newspaper recently an alleged transcript of a criminal and pornographic nature.
Recientemente me sentí terriblemente escandalizada en mi país cuando comencé a leer en un periódico dominical serio la supuesta transcripción de un acto criminal y pornográfico.
I was terribly shocked in my own country when I began to read in a serious Sunday newspaper recently an alleged transcript of a criminal and pornographic nature.
Recientemente me sentí terriblemente escandalizada en mi país cuando comencé a leer en un periódico dominical serio la supuesta transcripción de un acto criminal y pornográfico.

Similar translations for "Sunday newspaper" in Spanish
Context examples for "Sunday newspaper" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It has subsequently emerged that this was a fake company created by the British newspaper The Sunday Times, whose behaviour is objectionable.
Posteriormente, se desveló que se trataba de una supuesta empresa creada por el diario británico The Sunday Times, cuyo comportamiento es censurable.
The Sunday Herald newspaper recently revealed that 67 nuclear safety incidents relating to transport have taken place in Scotland over the last seven years.
El periódico Sunday Herald ha publicado recientemente que durante los últimos siete años en Escocia se han producido sesenta y siete incidentes de seguridad nuclear relacionados con el transporte.
Such is the strength of feeling that a major Scottish newspaper The Sunday Mail has organised a campaign to boycott Chiquita bananas and it has received a massive response.
El sentimiento es tan fuerte, que un importante periódico escocés, The Sunday Mail, ha organizado una campaña de boicot de los plátanos Chiquita y ha obtenido una respuesta masiva.