
"subrepticio" in English

"subrepticio" in English
subrepticio{adjective masculine}
subrepticio{adjective masculine}
backstairs{adj.} (before noun)
surreptitious{adj.} (glance, wink)
Es un cambio fundamental, aunque subrepticio, del que nuestros electores, una vez más, no son conscientes.
This is a fundamental, if surreptitious, change, of which, once again, our voters are unaware.
Esta transformación subrepticia del texto original es, desde nuestro punto de vista, absolutamente inaceptable.
As we see it, this surreptitious transformation of the original text is utterly unacceptable.
Durante veinte años, hemos sido testigos de una serie de maniobras subrepticias para privar a Estrasburgo de su categoría de sede de la Unión Europea.
For 20 years, we have witnessed surreptitious moves to deprive Strasbourg of the seat of the European Union.

Context examples for "subrepticio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se realiza manifiestamente un intento subrepticio de crear efectivamente un Estado.
An unspoken attempt is manifestly being made to create a state, because an organisation with tax-raising powers is effectively a state.
No debe producirse ningún incremento subrepticio de las primas, aunque estas explotaciones necesitasen de algo semejante.
We are not trying to increase premiums through the back door, even though these holdings are sorely in need of an increase.
Es un modo subrepticio de establecer una imposición indirecta, y nadie que tuviera un mínimo de sentido democrático debería votarla.
It is an underhand way of introducing indirect taxation and should not be voted through by anybody with a democratic bone in their body.