
"spines" in Spanish

espinas{f pl}
bristling with spines
erizado de espinas
spine(also: prickle)
pincho{m} (de un cactus)
espinazo{m} [med.]
espina{f} [bot.]
The European Union is in the process of finding its soul and getting some steel in its spine.
Algo ha sucedido: en la Unión se está formando una columna vertebral y un espíritu.
The European-wide energy networks will heal the market's spine and skeleton.
Las redes de energía paneuropeas formarán la columna vertebral y el esqueleto del mercado.
It causes curvature of the spine.
Provoca el encorvamiento de la columna vertebral.
columna{f} [anat.]
The European Union is in the process of finding its soul and getting some steel in its spine.
Algo ha sucedido: en la Unión se está formando una columna vertebral y un espíritu.
The European-wide energy networks will heal the market's spine and skeleton.
Las redes de energía paneuropeas formarán la columna vertebral y el esqueleto del mercado.
It causes curvature of the spine.
Provoca el encorvamiento de la columna vertebral.

Context examples for "spines" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
bristling with spines
erizado de espinas