
"wrestler" in Spanish

"wrestler" in Spanish
to wrestle{transitive verb}
to wrestle{intransitive verb}
luchador{m} [sports]
the wrestler bounced off the ropes
el luchador rebotó contra las cuerdas
to wrestle[wrestled · wrestled] {intransitive verb}
luchar[luchando · luchado] {v.i.} [sports]
Yet the rapporteur still has to wrestle with the same dilemma which confronted the Commission.
Sin embargo, el ponente lucha con el dilema al que se enfrenta la Comisión.
to have a wrestle with sb
luchar con algn
Other candidates are also wrestling with them, but their seriousness is sometimes underestimated.
Otros países candidatos también están luchando contra ellos, pero su gravedad se subestima en ocasiones.
This electoral mission will therefore have to wrestle with the authorities in Phnom Penh.
Por ello, esta misión electoral tendrá que forcejear con las autoridades camboyanas.
The Convention wrestled with the age-old problem of whether we want equality of states or equality of citizens.
La Convención forcejeó con el viejo problema de si queremos igualdad de Estados o igualdad de ciudadanos.
We had to argue and wrestle over many important issues, but at the end of the day we came up with a workable compromise containing many elements that can generally be regarded as positive.
Hemos tenido que discutir y forcejear en muchos temas importantes, pero a fin de cuentas hemos conseguido un compromiso aceptable, con muchos aspectos que en general pueden calificarse de positivos.

Synonyms (English) for "wrestler":
Context examples for "wrestler" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the wrestler bounced off the ropes
el luchador rebotó contra las cuerdas