
"uninjured" in Spanish

heridos{adj. m pl}
Hundreds of injured detainees had to receive hospital treatment.
Cientos de heridos precisaron asistencia hospitalaria.
How many civilians were injured, and how many military personnel?
¿Cuántos son los heridos militares? ¿Cuántos los informadores?
Hundreds killed and injured is the price paid by unarmed civilians for this conflict.
Los civiles desarmados han pagado un precio de cientos de muertos y heridos por este conflicto.
heridas{adj. f pl}
People, even if they are injured, can manage a variety of things themselves.
A pesar de sus heridas, las víctimas pueden volver a hacer muchas cosas ellas mismas.
Large numbers of people die or are injured in road accidents every year.
Muchas personas mueren o resultan heridas en accidentes de tráfico todos los años.
There are reports of at least five deaths, and hundreds more have been injured.
Se informa de al menos cinco víctimas mortales, y cientos de personas han resultado heridas.
herido{adj. m}
This earthquake has killed and seriously injured more than 200000 people.
Este terremoto ha matado y herido gravemente a más de 200000 personas.
They have murdered an innocent man and severely injured his colleague.
Han asesinado a un hombre inocente y han herido gravemente a su compañero.
One of the visitors tried to stop him and was injured.
Uno de los visitantes le hizo frente y resultó herido.
he came on as a substitute for the injured player
entró en reemplazo del jugador lesionado
he came on as a substitute for the injured player
entró en remplazo del jugador lesionado
If one thing or another remains to be sorted out, then our injured rapporteur will be able to handle that.
Si queda alguna cuestión pendiente, seguro que nuestro lesionado ponente podrá resolverla.
My assistant's handbag was grabbed and her hand injured.
A mi asistente le robaron la cartera y tiene lesionada una mano.
damnificada{adj. f}
Madam President, firstly let me express my heartfelt sympathy for all the Burmese people who have been bereaved or injured by the effects of Cyclone Nargis.
Señora Presidenta, en primer lugar deseará manifestar mi solidaridad con la población birmana que ha perecido o resultado herida o damnificada por los efectos del ciclón Nargis.
injured(also: hurt, sore)
lastimado{adj. m}
injured(also: hurt)
accidentado{adj.} (persona)
searchers are looking for the injured climber
una partida de rescate busca al montañista accidentado

Context examples for "uninjured" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We are of course working on the assumption that they, like the uninjured persons, have also been set free.
Por supuesto, todavía cabe la posibilidad de que, al igual que las personas que no resultaron heridas, también hayan sido puestos en libertad.