
"tildar" in English

tildar a algn de algo
to brand sb as sth
El Tribunal de apelación británico ha tildado la detención de los prisioneros de agujero negro jurídico.
The British Court of Appeal has branded the detention of prisoners there as a legal black hole.
No hace ni un año que nuestra posición fue tildada de proclive a la industria; ahora es el planteamiento objeto de consenso.
As recently as one year ago, our position was branded industry-oriented; it is now the consensus view.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "tildar":
Context examples for "tildar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Podríamos tildar esto de «cooperación no cooperativa» y lo rechazamos abiertamente.
One might call this ‘uncooperative cooperation’, and it is something that we reject outright.
Podríamos tildar esto de« cooperación no cooperativa» y lo rechazamos abiertamente.
One might call this ‘ uncooperative cooperation’, and it is something that we reject outright.
Incluso se podría tildar a dichas organizaciones de fanáticas.
The groupings concerned could even be described as fanatic.
No creo que se pueda tildar a la ciudadanía de catastrofista cuando afirma que se hace inevitable un próximo colapso como consecuencia de esto.
I do not think that people are being doom-mongers when they say that as a result of this the next crash is inevitable.
tildar a algn de algo
to brand sb as sth
No existe absolutamente ninguna razón para tildar de excepcional el nacimiento de Kosovo o para pretender que será la última vez que se cree un nuevo país.
There is absolutely no reason to declare Kosovo's genesis exceptional, or to pretend this will be the last time a new country is created.
( Señor Presidente, algunos medios impresos de Europa Occidental han comenzado recientemente a tildar de nacionalista al Gobierno polaco y a su base de poder.
( Mr President, some Western European printed media have recently taken to describing the Polish Government and its power base as nationalist.
( Señor Presidente, algunos medios impresos de Europa Occidental han comenzado recientemente a tildar de nacionalista al Gobierno polaco y a su base de poder.
(Mr President, some Western European printed media have recently taken to describing the Polish Government and its power base as nationalist.
Pero subrayo en particular la acertada calificación que la resolución adopta al tildar de terroristas esos actos que la UNITA viene cometiendo últimamente.
In particular, I would like to emphasise the correctness of the decision adopted by the resolution to call the acts that UNITA has recently been perpetrating 'terrorist ' acts.
Pese a que se me pueda tildar de anticuado, manifiesto sin rubor que la unión entre parejas del mismo sexo no es algo que yo, en calidad de legislador, desee permitir.
Unfashionable as it may be, I unashamedly declare that the unnatural partnership between same-sex couples is not something to which I, as a legislator, wish to consent.
El periódico más importante de los socialdemócratas suecos incluso llega a tildar de desertor al señor Schulz, Presidente del Grupo político que apoya aquí en el Parlamento.
The Swedish Social Democrats’ most important newspaper even describes MrSchulz, the chairman of the political group here in Parliament that it supports, as a defector.