
"sustantivos" in English

"sustantivos" in English
sustantivos{masculine plural}
sustantivos no numerables
uncountable nouns
noun{noun} [ling.]
un sustantivo de género ambiguo
a noun that can be masculine or feminine
Aunque es cierto que la actuación de Lord Ashdown fue enérgica, desapruebo tanto el sustantivo «dictadura» como el adjetivo «liberal».
Whilst Lord Ashdown’s leadership was certainly energetic, I take exception to both the noun ‘dictatorship’ and the adjective ‘liberal’.
substantive{noun} [ling.]
El acervo comunitario trata sobre el derecho sustantivo y no vamos a cambiar eso.
The acquis communautaire is about substantive law and we are not changing that.
También nos preocupa, por consiguiente, el seguimiento sustantivo.
So we are concerned with the substantive follow-up as well.
La Presidencia irlandesa se propone presentar un avance sustantivo al final de su mandato.
The Irish presidency will aim to show further substantive progress by the end of its term.
nominal{adj.} [ling.]
substantive{adj.} [form.] (real, meaningful)
El acervo comunitario trata sobre el derecho sustantivo y no vamos a cambiar eso.
The acquis communautaire is about substantive law and we are not changing that.
También nos preocupa, por consiguiente, el seguimiento sustantivo.
So we are concerned with the substantive follow-up as well.
La Presidencia irlandesa se propone presentar un avance sustantivo al final de su mandato.
The Irish presidency will aim to show further substantive progress by the end of its term.
En el sector lácteo, es necesario un cambio de política sustantivo.
In the dairy sector, a fundamental change in policy is needed.
A mí me parece que esto es fundamental y que es un cambio sustantivo respecto de la estrategia de Lisboa.
I think this is fundamental, and it is a substantial change from the Lisbon Strategy.
(ES) Señora Presidenta, quiero hablar y utilizar este debate para hablar de un sustantivo, que es la emergencia: solos, no pueden.
(ES) Madam President, I would like to speak and to use this debate to talk about a fundamental issue: the emergency.

Context examples for "sustantivos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Este asunto presenta muchos aspectos, pero me voy a referir a tres entre ellos que me parecen ciertamente sustantivos:
There are many aspects to this subject, but I am going to mention three that I certainly believe are important.
Señora Presidenta, comprendo mucho los argumentos sustantivos de mis dos predecesores en el uso de la palabra.
Madam President, I have a great deal of sympathy with the substance of the arguments put forward by the two previous speakers.
Ahora no podemos retirar estas cuotas con medidas coercitivas que usurpe derechos sustantivos de los Estados miembros.
The EU fishing nations that are party to the Greenland agreement have committed themselves to sustainable and responsible fishing.
Ambas cosas tienen las mismas causas, la evolución demográfica, por un lado, y los avances sustantivos y técnicos en la medicina, por otro.
Both have similar causes, with demographic change in the one case and specialist and technical progress in medicine in the other.
sustantivos no numerables
uncountable nouns
Santer al decir que han estado en peligro elementos sustantivos del sistema comunitario.
The Commission expressed that same concern, and Mr Santer reiterated it today by saying that substantial elements of the Community system were in danger.
Afortunadamente, se ha podido alcanzar un acuerdo sobre un documento que contiene logros sustantivos, aunque ciertamente también recoge insuficiencias y fracasos.
Fortunately, it has been possible to reach an agreement on a document that contains some substantial achievements, though it also unquestionably contains shortcomings and failures.
Estamos discutiendo todavía sobre el principio de soberanía, pero siempre solamente sobre aspectos formales y no sobre aspectos sustantivos, y el ciudadano está aquí mucho más allá.
We are still debating the principle of sovereignty, but still only in terms of its formal aspects rather than its real substance, and ordinary people are several steps ahead of us here.