
"summarily" in Spanish

"summarily" in Spanish
It was then that the bombshell was dropped and they were summarily dismissed.
Entonces se lanzó la bomba y fueron despedidos sumariamente.
I wish to report to this House that last week four hundred workers who took part in a legally called strike were summarily dismissed by that company.
Deseo comunicar a esta Asamblea que la semana pasada cuatrocientos trabajadores que participaron en una huelga declarada legalmente fueron despedidos sumariamente por dicha compañía.

Context examples for "summarily" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
What is more, opponents are being imprisoned and, it appears, summarily executed.
Por ejemplo, todavía es imposible que partidos políticos de oposición realicen una actividad normal.
But their protests were rejected summarily, in the name of an overhasty technocratic argument.
Pero su protesta ha sido barrida de un revés en nombre de un argumento tecnocrático precoz.
We would have been beaten about the head with the Rules of Procedure or some such thing and been summarily told off!
Se nos habría golpeado con el Reglamento o con cualquier otra cosa en la cabeza y se nos habría dicho que esto no vale.
The creditor must not only demonstrate credibly and summarily that he has a claim but must also demonstrate the risk.
El acreedor no sólo tiene que demostrar de forma fehaciente y sumaria sus derechos, sino además la existencia de riesgo.
Under the EU pet passport system, this important bulwark against the spread of disease was summarily removed.
Bajo el sistema de pasaportes de la UE, esta importante defensa frente a la transmisión de enfermedades se ha eliminado de manera repentina.
To put it in even stronger terms, part of the meat sector is especially weak when it comes to dealing summarily with abuses itself.
Pero en términos más categóricos, una parte del sector cárnico es especialmente débil a la hora de eliminar los abusos.
he was summarily dismissed
fue despedido de manera fulminante
However, it is not willing to single out individual Member States and condemn them summarily before the due process of law has been completed.
Sin embargo, no está dispuesto a seleccionar a un Estado miembro y condenarle antes de que se haya completado el debido proceso jurídico.
Their members and their paymasters must be brought to justice, and all their helpers in the administration and the armed forces must be summarily dismissed.
Sus miembros y quienes las financian deben ser juzgados y todos sus colaboradores dentro del Estado y de las fuerzas de seguridad deben ser destituidos en el acto.