
"sin prisa" in English

"sin prisa" in English
sin prisa{adjective}
leisured{adj.} (leisurely)

Similar translations for "sin prisa" in English
Context examples for "sin prisa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Entonces, señor Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo, dese prisa sin precipitarse.
So, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, make more speed with less haste.
Me opongo a eso porque sería actuar con prisa, sin evidencia científica.
I oppose that because it would be to act in haste without scientific evidence.
Ha sido un error, se ha actuado a toda prisa, sin pensar en el futuro de la agricultura.
It was a total misconception, it was done in a hurry, without thinking about the future of agriculture.
Sin embargo, no hay prisa y los riesgos son muy limitados.
However, there is no panic and the risks are very limited.
sin prisa pero sin pausa la situación va mejorando
slowly but surely the situation is getting better
Sin embargo, el mismo ponente ahora sí lo hace.
The rapporteur at the time warned the Commission not to move too fast, yet now that is exactly what he himself is doing.
Así pues, el Consejo se dio prisa, sin esperar el dictamen del Parlamento Europeo, para no aplazar este importante expediente.
It therefore made haste, without waiting for the opinion of the European Parliament, so as not to defer this important file.
Apliquémonos sin prisa y sin pausa porque, como digo, no podemos seguir siendo, para muchos ciudadanos europeos, piedra de escándalo.
Let us work steadily and relentlessly because, as I have said, we cannot continue to be a source of scandal for the citizens of Europe.
No puedo imponerlo pero sí apoyo esta idea, y creo que, sin prisa pero sin pausa, iremos más allá de la venta de derechos nacional para llegar a la venta de derechos a nivel europeo.
I cannot impose it, but I favour it, and I believe that slowly but surely we will move beyond the national selling of rights to the European selling of rights.
Si esta empresa fracasara, Europa volvería a sumirse en una realidad de grupos que avanzan a velocidades diferentes con todo tipo de barreras entre ellos, sin prisa pero sin pausa.
If this endeavour should fail, Europe will relapse into groups advancing at different speeds with all sorts of barriers between them – not overnight, but at a steady pace.
Deberemos trabajar, sin prisa y sin pausa, para quitar de nuestro horizonte esa permanente sospecha de fraude que, desgraciadamente, envuelve la actuación de las instituciones comunitarias.
We will have to work, steadily and relentlessly, to remove that permanent suspicion of fraud which, unfortunately, engulfs the activities of the Community institutions.
Creo que la Carta de los Derechos de los Consumidores de Energía ayudará a cambiar, sin prisa pero sin pausa, el mercado de la energía, algo que llevamos mucho tiempo esperando.
I believe that the Charter on the Rights of Energy Consumers will, slowly but surely, help to change the energy market, which is something that we have been looking forward to for a long time.