"shunning" in Spanish
"shunning" in Spanish
to shun(also: to shy away from)
Pupils who shun effort, are incapable of self-sacrifice and
rehuyen el esfuerzo, incapaces de sacrificio e inconstantes y carentes,
In some cases, the same populations shun the greater whole and close themselves off from the dominant society.
En algunos casos, las mismas poblaciones rehúyen a la comunidad y se aíslan de la sociedad dominante.
Investors have begun to shun the industry and the production of the next generation of networks, equipment and services is slowing down.
Los inversores han empezado a rehuir el sector y se retrasa la producción de las redes, equipos y servicios de las tecnologías de nueva generación.
to shun(also: to decline, to defeat, to disdain, to reject)
We must restart negotiations with Iran and shun any military action, as this would only serve to exacerbate the current crisis.
Debemos reanudar las negociaciones con Irán y rechazar toda acción militar, ya que solo serviría para exacerbar la crisis actual.
This is taking place in a country that is corrupt, that does not uphold human rights and that should be shunned by Europe.
Esto ocurre en un país corrupto, que no respeta los derechos humanos y que Europa debería rechazar.
There is no doubt that nuclear weapons are being internationally shunned.
No hay ninguna duda del rechazo internacional de las armas nucleares.
to shun(also: to prevent, to balk, to get around, to guard against)
Therefore I would say that it is hypocritical to shun or postpone this debate on these questions and the reaching of conclusions.
Por tanto, diría que es hipócrita evitar o posponer el debate sobre estas cuestiones y extraer conclusiones de las mismas.
Frankly, it is an aspect of independence that the government has deliberately shunned by refusing to hold its own public inquiry in the UK.
Francamente, es un aspecto de la independencia que el Gobierno ha evitado deliberadamente, al negarse a realizar su propia investigación pública en el Reino Unido.
They want, and I quote, 'to bring in, in much greater numbers, skilled women who have for too long shunned many areas of engineering'.
Quieren, y cito textualmente, "incorporar, en número mucho mayor, a mujeres capacitadas que durante mucho tiempo han evitado muchas áreas de la ingeniería".
Context examples for "shunning" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Yet again, the House is ignoring the treaties and shunning Strasbourg.
Una vez más, nuestra Asamblea atropella los Tratados y escarnece a Estrasburgo.
After demanding democracy, some EU leaders talk of shunning one of the only democratically elected governments in the Arab world!
Después de exigir democracia, algunos líderes de la UE hablan de dar la espalda a uno de los únicos Gobiernos elegidos democráticamente en el mundo árabe.
It is a symptom, amongst others, of this climate of decline and of the widespread shunning of responsibility, where no-one has to answer to anyone any longer.
Se trata, entre otros, de un síntoma de esta atmósfera de delicuescencia, de falta generalizada de responsabilidad en la que nadie tiene cuentas que rendir a nadie.
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