
"reverenciar" in English

"reverenciar" in English
to revere[revered · revered] {v.t.} [form.] (person, quality, work)
Señor Presidente, antes se hacía la reverencia a los bancos en Irlanda.
Mr President, banks were once revered in Ireland.
para que [los hombres] creáis en Dios y en Su Enviado, y Le honréis, reverenciéis y proclaméis Su infinita gloria de la mañana a la noche.
That you (mankind) may believe in Allah and His Messenger and may aid Him and revere Him; and that you may declare His glory, morning and evening.
No hay una verdad mayúscula, indiscutible y reverenciada sin recurrir a la razón crítica.
There is no truth with a capital letter, indisputable and revered without the help of critical reasoning.

Context examples for "reverenciar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Cuando pienso en este suceso, me doy cuenta de que los dirigentes espirituales y científicos ilustrados pueden unirse para reverenciar la vida humana.
When I think of this event, I can see how enlightened spiritual and scientific leaders can come together to give reverence to human life.