
"repentant" in Spanish

"repentant" in Spanish
to repent{transitive verb}
he is thoroughly repentant
está profundamente arrepentido
repentant for sth
arrepentido de algo
To the repentant sinner, however, God in his mercy grants pardon of grave sin and remission of the“eternal punishment” which it would bring.
Sin embargo, Dios, en su misericordia, concede al pecador arrepentido el perdón del pecado grave y la remisión de la consiguiente « pena eterna ».
rastrero{adj. m} [bot.]
They will repent when the forthcoming negotiations take place at WTO level.
Van a arrepentirse de ello cuando tengan lugar las próximas negociaciones a nivel de la OMC.
term: repenting, showing this repentance, adopting a real attitude of repentance."(20)
arrepentirse, mostrar arrepentimiento..."(20).
to repent of sth
arrepentirse de algo
to repent[repented · repented] {transitive verb}
They will repent when the forthcoming negotiations take place at WTO level.
Van a arrepentirse de ello cuando tengan lugar las próximas negociaciones a nivel de la OMC.
to repent of sth
arrepentirse de algo

Synonyms (English) for "repentant":
Context examples for "repentant" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sacramental absolution is not to be denied to those who, repentant after
A quien, después de haber pecado gravemente contra la castidad
Seek pardon from your Lord, then turn to Him repentant.
A Dios habréis de retornar todos; y Él tiene el poder para disponer cualquier cosa.
so that we may return with repentant hearts to the Father of all, who is
auténtico camino de conversión, a fin de volver con corazón
So ask pardon from your Lord, then turn to Him repentant; verily, my Lord is Merciful, Loving!
[Pero su pueblo] dijo: “¡Oh Shuaaib!
he came to apologize all tearful and repentant
vino lloroso y apenado a pedirme perdón
This is what you were promised, (it is) for every one who turned (to Allah or was repentant), and kept His limits (or Law);
“Esto es lo que se os prometió –[está reservado] para todo aquel que solía volverse a Dios y tenerle siempre presente –
he is thoroughly repentant
está profundamente arrepentido
With the indulgence, the repentant sinner receives a remission of the temporal punishment due for the sins already forgiven as regards the fault.
Con la indulgencia se condona al pecador arrepentido la pena temporal por los pecados ya perdonados en cuanto a la culpa.
repentant for sth
arrepentido de algo
To the repentant sinner, however, God in his mercy grants pardon of grave sin and remission of the“eternal punishment” which it would bring.
Sin embargo, Dios, en su misericordia, concede al pecador arrepentido el perdón del pecado grave y la remisión de la consiguiente « pena eterna ».
The new Commission has been slow in acknowledging this, but there is much joy in heaven for the repentant sinner even when it comes later rather than sooner.
La nueva Comisión ha sido lenta en reconocerlo, pero siempre se produce una gran alegría en el cielo cuando un pecador se arrepiente, aunque el arrepentimiento llegue tan tarde.
You made repeated futile attempts and you even went as far as inviting the repentant communist FARC terrorists to come and receive asylum in France; but to protect them from whom?
Ha hecho repetidos y fútiles intentos e incluso ha llegado a ofrecer asilo en Francia a los terroristas comunistas de las FARC arrepentidos. Pero, ¿para protegerlos de quién?