
"reluctantly" in Spanish

Madam President, I reluctantly agree with what is now on the table.
Señora Presidenta, acepto a regañadientes lo que tenemos ahora sobre el tapete.
I can only support this report very reluctantly because the tone of it is not quite right.
Solo a regañadientes puedo apoyar este informe, porque su tono no es el adecuado.
Only two projects have been approved so far, but even this was done reluctantly.
Por el momento, sólo se han aprobado dos proyectos, pero incluso esto se hizo a regañadientes.
. - I reluctantly voted against this report.
. - De mala gana he votado contra este informe.
But my vote comes reluctantly and with anger.
No obstante, voto de mala gana y con enojo.
My group reluctantly accepts it as a step forward.
Mi grupo lo acepta de mala gana como tal.
He has become symbolic of the fight against fraud in Europe, probably reluctantly.
Tal vez a su pesar se ha convertido en el símbolo de la lucha contra el fraude europeo.
This had to be admitted, albeit reluctantly, even by the advocates of the old European Constitution.
Incluso los defensores de la antigua Constitución Europea han de admitir este hecho, aunque sea a su pesar.
desganadamente{adv.} (obedecer)
reacio{adj. m}
Morocco is reluctant to start negotiations or to come to terms too quickly.
Marruecos se muestra reacio a iniciar las negociaciones y a obtener resultados rápidos.
A whole host of Member States are reluctant to lend their cooperation.
Un grupo de Estados miembros se muestra reacio a prestar cooperación.
Despite that, the Council seems reluctant to develop a tourism policy.
A pesar de ello, el Consejo se muestra reacio a desarrollar una política turística.
remisa{adj. f}
My Member State's Environmental Protection Agency seems to be very reluctant to force the same compliance on industry as it does on the public.
La Agencia de Protección del Medio Ambiente de mi Estado miembro parece muy remisa a exigir el mismo cumplimiento por parte de la industria que el que impone al público.
Secondly, another accelerator in that regard is the continuing dilatory and reluctant attitude by the Commission to approve GM varieties, which would be much cheaper.
Segundo, otro acelerador en ese tema es la continuada actitud dilatoria y remisa de la Comisión para aprobar variedades modificadas genéticamente, que resultarían mucho más baratas.
renuente{adj. m/f}
We are reluctant to prove the European Parliament's strength.
Nos mostramos renuentes a demostrar la fuerza del Parlamento Europeo.
Governments might indeed be reluctant to grant exemptions for projects they do not support.
Los Gobiernos podrían en efecto mostrarse renuentes a conceder exenciones a proyectos que no apoyan.
And where are we today, after that period of reluctant and irresponsible development lacking a proactive approach?
¿Y dónde estamos hoy, después de ese período de desarrollo renuente e irresponsable sin un enfoque proactivo?
remiso{adj. m}
We will gather enough scientific evidence to be able to convince even those who are reluctant at this stage.
Reuniremos suficientes pruebas científicas para poder convencer incluso a quienes se muestran remisos en estos momentos.
reluctant to
remiso a
Indeed, genuine political activists tend to be reluctant to leave their country of origin because they feel they have a lot to do there.
De hecho, los auténticos activistas políticos suelen mostrarse remisos a abandonar su país de origen, pues consideran que es mucho lo que les queda por hacer allí.
he seemed reluctant to agree
se le notaba reluctante a acceder
reticente{adj.} (reacio)
The Commission was reluctant for a long time and dragged its heels.
La Comisión se mostró reticente durante mucho tiempo y pospuso la cuestión.
Unfortunately, the Commission is very reluctant to suggest any measures in this field.
Desgraciadamente, la Comisión es muy reticente a la hora de sugerir medidas en este ámbito.
I now hear that the Council is very reluctant in this regard.
Me entero ahora de que el Consejo se muestra muy reticente al respecto.

Synonyms (English) for "reluctant":
Context examples for "reluctantly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He has become symbolic of the fight against fraud in Europe, probably reluctantly.
Tal vez a su pesar se ha convertido en el símbolo de la lucha contra el fraude europeo.
I can only support this report very reluctantly because the tone of it is not quite right.
Solo a regañadientes puedo apoyar este informe, porque su tono no es el adecuado.
Madam President, I reluctantly agree with what is now on the table.
Señora Presidenta, acepto a regañadientes lo que tenemos ahora sobre el tapete.
Madam President, I voted in favour of this report but extremely reluctantly.
Señora Presidenta, he votado a favor de este informe, pero con extraordinaria renuencia.
I have therefore voted in favour of this Commission, although I did so reluctantly.
Por consiguiente, he votado a favor de la Comisión, aunque a disgusto.
Madam President, I reluctantly agree with what is now on the table.
Este Reglamento introduce mejoras importantes para los trabajadores fronterizos.
Only two projects have been approved so far, but even this was done reluctantly.
Por el momento, sólo se han aprobado dos proyectos, pero incluso esto se hizo a regañadientes.
It is not ideal, but I will reluctantly be asking my group, ELDR, to vote for the directive.
No es ideal, pero a mi pesar, pediré a mi Grupo ELDR que vote a favor de la directiva.
The Fianna Fail MEPs reluctantly voted in favour of this proposal.
Los diputados del PE del Fianna Fail votaron con reticencias a favor de esta propuesta.
We therefore, reluctantly, had to abandon that idea almost immediately.
De ahí que, con gran dolor de corazón, nos hemos visto obligados rápidamente a renunciar a ella.
I do not want, myself, to be forced reluctantly to prove them right.
Por mi parte, no quisiera a mi pesar tener que darles la razón.
I can only support this report very reluctantly because the tone of it is not quite right.
La reciente crisis en torno a las importaciones textiles debería ser una lección para todos nosotros.
I reluctantly endorse the proposed structures, but they will not solve the real problems.
Con desganas doy mi aprobación a las fórmulas propuestas aun sabiendo que no resolverán los problemas reales.
They reluctantly agreed to comply with that request and the slaughter of healthy animals has begun.
A regañadientes accedieron a cumplir esa petición y se puso en marcha el sacrificio de animales sanos.
I am reluctantly voting in favour of this report today.
Voy a votar hoy a favor de este informe, si bien con renuencias.
Madam President, I reluctantly supported this, though I would have preferred not to have voted for it.
Señora Presidenta, lo he respaldado a mi pesar; hubiera preferido no haber tenido que votar a favor.
There is a tremendous negative attitude in the United Kingdom, the state to which I reluctantly belong.
En el Reino Unido, el Estado al que a regañadientes pertenezco, hay una actitud tremendamente negativa.
This had to be admitted, albeit reluctantly, even by the advocates of the old European Constitution.
Incluso los defensores de la antigua Constitución Europea han de admitir este hecho, aunque sea a su pesar.
Let us bring forward that review of Regulation (EC) No1049/2001, not reluctantly but with enthusiasm.
Saquemos adelante esa revisión del Reglamento (CE) nº 1049/2001, no a regañadientes, sino con entusiasmo.
. - I reluctantly voted against this report.
por escrito. - De mala gana he votado contra este informe.