
"proselitismo" in English

"proselitismo" in English
Ese proselitismo violento y antimoderno es, por definición, antioccidental.
This violent and anti-modernist proselytism is anti-Western by definition.
Hablar de una evaluación y una revisión no es proselitismo.
Talk of an evaluation and a review is not proselytism.
El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos comprobó que la legislación griega sobre proselitismo es conforme a la Convención Europea de Derechos Humanos.
Greek legislation on proselytism was found to be in compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights by the European Court of Human Rights.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "proselitismo":
Context examples for "proselitismo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
proselitismo, evitando de modo absoluto en la acción pastoral cualquier
with the avoidance in the most absolute way in pastoral action of any temptation
usaron el congreso como plataforma para hacer proselitismo
they used the conference as a political platform
hacer proselitismo entre la gente
to try to proselytize people
hacer proselitismo
to peddle an ideology
Esto es, proselitismo contra el Islam y la enseñanza mixta, una violación de la separación de sexos en la enseñanza vigente en el país.
For example, proselytising against Islam and the joint teaching of boys and girls, a violation of the customary separation of the sexes in education in that country.
La supresión de las fronteras interiores y el proselitismo inmigracionista de la UE son, hay que subrayarlo, una de las principales causas de este problema.
The removal of internal borders and the immigrationist proselytising of the EU are, it must be stressed, one of the major causes of this problem.
A día de hoy, las religiones distintas al islam no pueden abrir ni poner en marcha lugares de culto, no pueden practicar el proselitismo, formar un clero o tener una personalidad jurídica.
To this day, religions other than Islam cannot open and operate places of worship, proselytise, form a clergy or have a legal personality.
Pues no, al parecer esto es "discriminación", y toda la UE se ha movilizado contra la pobre Lituania, que es "culpable" de prohibir el proselitismo y de fomentar los valores nacionales.
Well, no, it seems that this is 'discrimination', and the entire EU is mobilising against poor Lithuania, which is 'guilty' of banning proselytising and of encouraging family values.