
"principiante" in English

"principiante" in English
Seleccione un nivel de dificultad: Principiante, Intermedio o Avanzado.
Select a difficulty level: Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced.
Elija un nivel de dificultad: Principiante, Intermedio o Avanzado.
Choose a difficulty level—Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced.
Niveles de dificultad: principiante, intermedio, avanzado
Difficulty levels: Beginner, intermediate, advanced
novice{noun} [sports]
Algunos motoristas principiantes se enorgullecen de demostrar a los demás su capacidad para realizar piruetas sumamente peligrosas.
Some novice riders on two wheels take pride in showing off to others their ability to perform highly dangerous stunts.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "principiante":
Context examples for "principiante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Disculpe la emoción del principiante, es la primera vez que intervengo en la sesión plenaria.
Excuse my nerves, this is my maiden speech in this House.
ni un simple principiante cometería un error así
the merest beginner wouldn't make such a mistake
teniendo en cuenta que es un principiante
when you consider that he's a beginner …
a veces comete errores de principiante
sometimes he makes really basic mistakes
no está mal para un principiante
it's not bad for a beginner
La blogosfera es un recurso importante para los preservacionistas —tanto si eres estudiante, buscas trabajo, eres un principiante, o un veterano.
The blogosphere is an important resource for preservationists—whether you are a student, job seeker, rookie, or veteran.
es un conductor principiante
he's learning to drive
es un conductor principiante
he's a learner driver
la suerte del principiante
beginner's luck
un error de principiante
a basic mistake