
"precaverse" in English


Synonyms (Spanish) for "precaverse":
Context examples for "precaverse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me satisface este informe, que pide que se adopten medidas para precaverse contra los accidentes industriales en zonas urbanas.
I welcome this report, which calls for action to guard against industrial accidents in urban areas.
Con el fin de precaverse ante dicha eventualidad, quieren dejarlo ya todo bien atado y no dejar ninguna puerta de salida.
In order to prevent this eventuality, they want to lock everything up right away and not leave any way out.
(EN) Me satisface este informe, que pide que se adopten medidas para precaverse contra los accidentes industriales en zonas urbanas.
I welcome this report, which calls for action to guard against industrial accidents in urban areas.
Conviene precaverse de las consecuencias que pueden resultar especialmente catastróficas para el empleo y para el futuro mismo del sector.
We should be mindful of the consequences that may prove disastrous for jobs in this sector, indeed for its very future.
precaverse del peligro
to guard against danger
- obliga a las empresas a escoger, a precaverse contra reestructuraciones, a realizar alianzas con países terceros.
It is the globalization of markets - and not the integration of Europe! - that is forcing companies to make choices, to give notice of restructuring, to conclude alliances with third countries.
- obliga a las empresas a escoger, a precaverse contra reestructuraciones, a realizar alianzas con países terceros.
It is the globalization of markets - and not the integration of Europe! - that is forcing companies to make choices, to give notice of restructuring, to conclude alliances with third countries.