
"pop music" in Spanish

"pop music" in Spanish
pop music{noun}
pop music(also: pop)
pop{m} [mus.]
she's the hottest property in pop music
es el gran éxito del mundo de la música pop
pop music is her pet aversion
le tiene fobia a la música pop
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I cannot imagine that there are many fans of pop music among the members of the Council.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, me cuesta creer que entre los miembros del Consejo pueda haber algún aficionado a la música pop.

Synonyms (English) for "pop music":
Similar translations for "pop music" in Spanish
Context examples for "pop music" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she's the hottest property in pop music
es el gran éxito del mundo de la música pop
pop music is her pet aversion
le tiene fobia a la música pop
I'm crazy about pop music
me enloquece la música pop
pop music is her pet aversion
aborrece la música pop
I'm mad about pop music
me enloquece la música pop
pop music is not my bag
la música pop no es lo mío
he's great on pop music
sabe mucho de música pop
What did receive the official seal of approval for the Serbian population, however, were the politically correct pop music stations of Slobo's son Marko and daughter Marija.
Los que sí se encuentran oficialmente disponibles son los encargados de las emisoras políticamente correctas de los hijos de Slobo, Marko y Marija.