
"to overrate" in Spanish

"to overrate" in Spanish
to overrate{transitive verb}
In this report, the significance of nuclear energy is overrated.
En este informe se ha sobrevalorado la importancia de la energía nuclear.
What I said in committee I shall repeat here: I regret that the White Paper continues to overrate new technology and to underrate national television services.
Repetiré a quí lo que dije en comisión: lamento que el Libro Blanco siga sobrevalorando la nueva tecnología e infravalorando las televisiones nacionales.
The UK government has to date been unable to tackle the high rate which is the most overrated cost of any currency in the world.
El Gobierno del Reino Unido no ha podido resolver hasta ahora el problema del alto tipo de cambio de su divisa, la más sobrevalorada del mundo.

Context examples for "to overrate" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Therefore, I would not overrate the role of the Lisbon Treaty.
Por tanto, yo no sobrestimaría el papel del Tratado de Lisboa.