
"olive branch" in Spanish

"olive branch" in Spanish
In the arena of the Middle East, a new olive branch has just been planted.
En las arenas de Oriente Próximo se acaba de plantar una nueva rama de olivo.
We shall treat that as an olive branch.
Lo consideraremos una rama de olivo.
A few weeks ago Boeing publically rejected the latest olive branch, if I can call it that, proffered by Airbus.
Todavía hace unas semanas, Boeing rechazó públicamente la primera rama de olivo, por así decir, tendida por Airbus.

Synonyms (English) for "olive branch":
Context examples for "olive branch" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In the arena of the Middle East, a new olive branch has just been planted.
En las arenas de Oriente Próximo se acaba de plantar una nueva rama de olivo.
A few weeks ago Boeing publically rejected the latest olive branch, if I can call it that, proffered by Airbus.
Todavía hace unas semanas, Boeing rechazó públicamente la primera rama de olivo, por así decir, tendida por Airbus.
We shall treat that as an olive branch.
Lo consideraremos una rama de olivo.
You have offered the Council an olive branch in the form of practical and pragmatic dialogue.
Y una última cuestión, señor Presidente, usted ha ofrecido una rama de olivo al Consejo con un diálogo práctico y pragmático.