
"nuclear reactor" in Spanish

"nuclear reactor" in Spanish
A new nuclear reactor is currently under construction in Finland.
En Finlandia se está construyendo un nuevo reactor nuclear.
A Russian nuclear reactor will perhaps be constructed in Belarus.
Tal vez se construya un reactor nuclear ruso en Belarús.
It is a " CANDU " nuclear reactor of western design.
Se trata de un reactor nuclear " CANDU " de diseño occidental.

Synonyms (English) for "nuclear reactor":
Similar translations for "nuclear reactor" in Spanish
Context examples for "nuclear reactor" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In my group we are of the opinion that we can save money on the ITER nuclear fusion reactor.
En mi Grupo creemos que podemos ahorrar dinero en el reactor de fusión nuclear ITER.
The sarcophagus of the Chernobyl 4 nuclear reactor could be much better and more effective.
El sarcófago del cuarto reactor nuclear de Chernóbil podría ser mucho mejor y más eficaz.
The nuclear reactor of Fukushima was hit by an unprecedented combination of catastrophes.
El reactor nuclear de Fukushima recibió el impacto de una combinación de catástrofes sin precedentes.
A new nuclear reactor is currently under construction in Finland.
En Finlandia se está construyendo un nuevo reactor nuclear.
A Russian nuclear reactor will perhaps be constructed in Belarus.
Tal vez se construya un reactor nuclear ruso en Belarús.
It is a " CANDU " nuclear reactor of western design.
Se trata de un reactor nuclear " CANDU " de diseño occidental.
It is a "CANDU" nuclear reactor of western design.
Se trata de un reactor nuclear "CANDU" de diseño occidental.
This particular person was involved with the Greifswald nuclear reactor and his experience would be most valuable.
Precisamente, este experto estuvo en la central nuclear de Greifswald y aporta valiosas experiencias.
How can we can really make any judgment about a given type of nuclear reactor without far-ranging scientific knowledge?
¿Cómo podemos decidir sobre un determinado tipo de reactor nuclear, sin poseer profundos conocimientos científicos?
Lastly, I welcome Italy's decision to build a nuclear reactor, which I hope other EU Member States will follow.
Por último, recibo con satisfacción la decisión de Italia de construir un reactor nuclear, y espero que otros Estados miembros de la UE sigan su ejemplo.
Ladies and gentlemen, nuclear safety is something that is being continually worked on in all nuclear plants in relation to every nuclear reactor.
Señorías, la seguridad nuclear es algo en lo que constantemente se está trabajando en todas las plantas nucleares, en relación con todos los reactores nucleares.
Research on nuclear reactor safety is also included in the programme, though at a lower level of funding than previously.
Las investigaciones sobre la seguridad de los reactores nucleares formaban también parte del programa, aunque se les haya asignado un nivel de financiación inferior al que tenían antes.
The construction of the largest test nuclear fusion reactor in the world, which is not just a European project but also a global one, is expected to begin shortly.
La construcción del mayor reactor experimental de fisión nuclear del mundo, que no es solo un proyecto europeo sino mundial, comenzará en breve.
Madam President, on the Nicholson report, I voted against it because paragraph 20 seeks to delay the completion of the second nuclear reactor at Cernavoda.
Señora Presidenta, he votado en contra del informe Nicholson porque el apartado 20 intenta retrasar la terminación del segundo reactor nuclear de Cernavoda.
We must bow our heads in respect and gratitude to those heroes who are working, at the risk of their own lives, to stabilise the situation in the nuclear reactor.
Hemos de inclinarnos por respeto y gratitud ante esos héroes que están trabajando y arriesgando sus vidas para estabilizar la situación en el reactor nuclear.
This plant is being built without containment, it is full of defects and it is to feature equipment from a Russian nuclear reactor which has never even been tested.
Una central nuclear construida sin containment, en la que se han demostrado innumerables fallos y que va a ser una copia a lo grande aún no comprobada de una central nuclear rusa.
This plant is being built without containment, it is full of defects and it is to feature equipment from a Russian nuclear reactor which has never even been tested.
Una central nuclear construida sin containment , en la que se han demostrado innumerables fallos y que va a ser una copia a lo grande aún no comprobada de una central nuclear rusa.
Madam President, the start-up of the Mochovce nuclear reactor is a decision which will have farreaching consequences for the entire future of nuclear power generation.
Señora Presidenta, la puesta en servicio de la central nuclear de Mochovce es una decisión de amplias consecuencias para el futuro de la producción de energía de origen nuclear.
Honourable Members have asked a number of questions relating to the presence of the British nuclear submarine HMS Tireless in Gibraltar for repairs to her nuclear reactor.
Sus señorías han planteado una serie de preguntas relativas a la presencia en Gibraltar del submarino nuclear británico HMS Tireless para la reparación de su reactor nuclear.
Even before 1986, there was the disaster in Harrisburg in the US, where an overheated and melting nuclear reactor threatened to sink into the ground.
Ya antes de 1986, se produjo una catástrofe en la central americana de Harrisburg, en la que un recalentamiento del reactor nuclear de fusión amenazó con desaparecer de la superficie de la Tierra.